
So, I didn't make any New Year's Resolutions. At all. I'm happy for that! It means I haven't broken them already.

However, yesterday while we were grocery shopping, Rachel informed me she didn't want to eat red meat anymore.


Well, that was my initial thought. Then I went over to look at the meat (alone, because Rach said it would be too tempting for her-- already? PSH.). I got really grossed out!! I mean, I've always had a queasy stomach when it came to meat... but I actually thought about how terribly disgusting red meat is!

So, I mosied on over to the pork chops -- my fav, by the way -- and then I thought "Wow.. if red meat is gross, WTH is this??!". I gagged. In the middle of the grocery store. Go figure.

And that is how our "resolutions" were born. On January 10th, 2010, we decided we are going to seriously cut back on red meat. We were eating it at least 4 times a week. Beef tips, beef roast, hamburgers, you name it.. we ate it! Now we will eat it no more than once a month. Period. The reason we are saving that once a month is so we won't feel guilty when/if we go out to eat and REALLY want a steak!!

But pork? Out the window all together. Shrimp, too. After thinking about it, they are just too gross to be putting into our bodies!!!

Okay, rant over. Those are my "resolutions", so to speak. Let's see how this goes!! Recipe day is tomorrow, and 90% of my recipes are for BEEF or PORK. EEK.

OH, and today is our anniversary!!! HAPPY ANNIVERSARY, RACH!!!


  1. We´ve decided to go part-time vegetarian, guess its easier to cut down than to cut out really :-)

  2. ohh I so wish we could go vegan! So much more healthier! But my husband eats meat on a daily basis and will never changes Im such a picky eater too. I hate most veggies, so my diet usually consists of chicken and some vegetable. I did vow to only "cook" some kind of red meat 2x a week. So he will have to conform to what I eat on the other days!


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