Savings, a goal completed, and a new challenge

I added a goal (#96) to save at least $120.00 with coupons this year. That's only $10 a month. Easy enough. This morning, I saved $15.66. I still have a few things I need to get, and will probably save $5 more! w00t! I'm excited!

How did I do it? By clipping coupons and price matching. If the place I shopped would have offered double coupons, I would have saved even more. I know a lot of places do offer that, so you should look into it! If you didn't know, Wal-Mart offers price matching. That means you bring in a Walgreen's, or Schnucks', or whatever ad and they give the item to you for the lower price. I saved 25 cents on Skittles that way today. :) Oh and I saved 63 cents on soy sauce.

Buy a Sunday Paper, look at the Red Plum ads (go online to for more savings), and clip the coupons you need. I actually clip EVERY coupon and send off a few hundred a week. :) I also buy the "ALL YOU" magazine every month. I usually get at least $10 worth of coupons that I can use out of each issue. Plus, they have a lot of great recipes, health tips, etc. Last but not least, look online. Just google "free printable grocery coupons" and you will find some. Don't sign up for anything, or register anywhere, just find the places that let you print the coupons. (Sometimes you'll have to install a coupon printer in your browser.)

I was able to mark off another goal (#94), but didn't get a picture before the kids took off with my knitted dishcloth. I also added another goal to the list (#97): No shampoo.

Yes, that is correct. I'm taking the 6 week no-shampoo challenge. If I like my hair after 6 weeks with no shampoo, I'll stick with it. Shampoo (POO for short) is filled with all sorts of chemicals, and just.. JUNK. Why use it if we don't have to? Now the "no poo" way of life doesn't work for everyone, but it's worth trying out. I'm on day 4 and my hair is lookin a littttle greasy.. but that's to be expected. I have plenty of bandanas on hand if need be. :) I have noticed it's a lot curlier.. I think I can hang!

Oh, and I attempted to make a headband (goal #27) THREE times last night. Failed miserably all three times. Will post pictures when I finally "get" it.

Anyone else make a goal list? I'd like to see yours!!

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