So busy, so thankful, and a scarf.

This week has been crazy busy. I'm thankful for it, though! I just got four tutu orders today. So exciting! :) Now I just have to wait for UPS to deliver thousands of yards of tulle to my apartment. My wifey is going to be soooo thrilled haha not! I finally have some organization going, though. I have 3 shelves JUST for tulle and ribbon. I will try to take pics some time.

Today, I spent the day with my mom. I got a new computer, so I was able to chat with Rach while I was at my mom's house. That was neat. We only talked for a few minutes but it was still fun. I felt like a kid again!

Mom and I sewed all day. If you remember from the beginning of my blog, I do not sew.. I do not even like sewing. Ick. But I survived today! My mom loves to sew, so I thought it would be a fun way to spend the day together. In all honesty, it would have been nicer if I would not have taken my 8 year old with me.. but it wasn't so bad. I couldn't leave all 3 kids home with Rach, that would not have been too fair.

So, this is how it started.. I wanted to make a scarf but I didn't want to knit it. I started googling things, and found a patchwork scarf idea. A new project was born...

Then, I got distracted.. I went to AT&T and bought a new cell phone. :) It's a Pantech Impact. It's super retro looking, and I just L-O-V-E it!!

Okay, so moving on. I didn't want to mess anything up, so I left the cutting to Mom. She ended up messing it up anyway and had to tear some seams out mid-scarf. Here's Mom, working hard..

This is how it turned out (Sorry for the unedited pictures, I haven't installed Picasa yet on this computer).

We made it 60" long and about 6" wide. We cut different sized blocks from 3 different fabrics. One had flames, one had skulls, and one was plain black. We just stitched them together, layered batting in the middle, and used black fabric as a backing. The trickiest part was sewing the bottom edge after we flipped it outside right.. but it wasn't SO bad.. right, Mom?? :)

We ran out of time, but I did start on a scarf for Mom. Here's a preview (yes, that's me sewing)

She loves patriotic stuff. Going to her house is like visiting the fabric store -- she has an entire closet full of fabric, plus like 4 totes and a dresser.. ALL full of different types of fabric! I started a tye-dye scarf as well. Oh, and Mom is making me a laptop case for my new computer. She almost had it done when I left. She promised it would be ready next week. Can't wait to post pics!

Here's a little sneak peek..

I'm so glad I inherited the craft gene -- I didn't appreciate it until very recently. But I'm lovin' every minute of it! :)

Mom, if you're reading this.. I had fun today! No Jenelle next time...

If you're here for the giveaway, click here!!

Or... if you're here to order a tutu, click here!! :)

Thanks for stopping by, and please leave a comment!

1 comment:

  1. I'm going to *try* and make a laptop case myself but I like you dont sew, but 2010 is full of promise right? I can learn. :)


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