Some goals, a tutorial, and a OWOH giveaway!!!

Okay, just a warning.. this is going to be a long post! I will make each title bold so you can skip some if they don't interest you.. or hey, be a trooper and read them all! :)

Goal #1, partially completed
Organize all 3 craft totes -- 1/3 now completed! I organized my scrapbooking tote, which was the hardest one. I put ALL of the loose photos in a leftover priority mail box that I had laying around. I got rid of a LOT of stuff, and just put everything into categories. I used the film envelopes for holding stickers.

#4, Complete 100 swaps, now 19/100
I finished some more swaps this weekend, so I'm now 19 for 100 on swaps! w00t!!

#16, Add 20 items to ETSY
So I added one item to etsy this weekend. I just don't have the energy to add more than one at a time. Anyone wanna do it for me?? lol

#19 -- COMPLETED!!!
Organize craft desk.. completed! WOO HOO! This was so fun, seriously. Now this is taking real guts to post before pictures, try not to cringe too much!

And here are the after:

After looking at plastic organization things at Wal-Mart, I decided I'd make my own. I used leftover priority mail shipping boxes and stacked them together. I cut out one side, so it was open. I am using it to stack my scrapbooking papers and just various things inside. I used the bottom of a Velveeta box to hold all of my notecards and recipe cards to send out in swaps. I used a tin from some candy for paint samples (more on that later). I used the bottom half of a plastic juice bottle to hold all of my stamps. Oh, and I decorated the top of the paper organizer with some leftover scrapbook paper. :)

I sent some reflexology information via a private swap this weekend. It was a $5 profile surprise, so I just included those as an extra.. the lady was a knitter so I sent some 100% cotton yarn, some inchies, some glitter gel pens, and a few other things.

I hosted my first swap!! That means 1/5 completed on that goal.

Last but not least, the kids and I made paint sample books!! The guy at the paint store looked at me like I was crazy when I took a bunch of different colors. Oh well. :) We had LOTS of fun with them. I tied them off with leftover tulle scraps, but you could use ribbon or yarn.

I made Gracelynn a sight words book, and made Jenelle a cursive letters book. I made Sapphire a colors book, as well as a letters book -- I wrote the colors on matching paint samples.. and I wrote the capital AND lowercase of each letter of the alphabet in the other book. That was SUPER fun.

Making crayons
We also made crayons today. We have been busy! We took ALL of our broken crayons and put them into a container. We spent some time peeling the crayon wrappers off.

And some more time... (this is one of the VERY few activities that kept them involved for more than 20 minutes.. they didn't want to stop!)

Getting distracted, "swimming" on the floor.. look at that outfit! LMAO!

After we were done peeling, and swimming, we broke the crayons into litttttle bitty pieces and placed them into a mini muffin pan.

We baked them in a 265 degree (F) oven for about 12 or 13 minutes. We let them cool for a half hour, and they popped right out. We didn't use anything to line the muffin pan. Some places suggested lining with foil, but we took a chance without it and everything turned out fine. We never use the pan without liners for baking, so we are safe. :)

They have been sitting at the table for about 40 minutes coloring on paper bags. I swear nothing has ever kept them entertained so long! It's amazing, I love it!! Make these with your kids, it's a life saver! :)

Sorry this was so long!! We did SO much this weekend!! (Did I mention I babysat while we were doing all of this?? Yeah, 6 kids in our apartment, 5 of them 4 and under.. WEEEE!!) I hope yours was a great one as well!

Oh, and I almost forgot! The giveaway! :) We are participating in


We are #252 on the page! :) Stop by to check out all the other AWESOME giveaways!

We are giving away a set of our home-made oatmeal soap bars (great for sensitive skin, no harsh chemicals or dyes). This is open to INTERNATIONAL bloggers as well (a first for us). (We do net sell these on our website, it's just a project I enjoyed doing so I'd like to do more.)

All you have to do is leave a comment, and I will generate a winner by a random number generator. The contest ends February 12th at 11:59 CST, and the winner will be ANNOUNCED on February 15th, 2010.

After some consideration, I have decided to add a custom tutu to the giveaway!!!

This picture is of a rainbow tutu but the winner can customize his/her own. Up to size 7/8 in little girls. Please allow a few days for tutu to be made AFTER winner is chosen!

Get ideas for your custom tutu HERE. Let me know in the comments which tutu (size and colors) you would like if you win. If you do not leave the size/colors in the comments, I will assume you are entering to win the soaps. Thanks!! :)


  1. Thanks for offering this great gift and Thanks so much for a chance to win!

  2. Wow! You have been getting a lot done! That is great! Your giveaway sounds wonderful, too! Thanks!

  3. Wow you have been busy! Please enter me in your giveaway and when you have time stop on over and enter on my blog! Thanks so much! #61

  4. What a lovely blog you have!! A pleasure to visit:) I would soooo love to win your hand made soap:) please enter me in your draw.....I will keep my fingers crossed:)
    I am # 27 on the list for the OWOH if you want to stop by and enter my giveaway!! I am offering a duo of one of a kind dolls, they are quite a pair, naughty little guys so maybe you won't want them!! LOL

    HUG from Canada

  5. I really enjoyed reading your blog and I love handmade soap...check out my blog, I am giving away a little treasure box.

  6. Love your giveaway!
    Thank you for the chance to become a happy owner.
    And thank you for taking the time to visit my OWOH blog earlier today!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. another awsome giveaway!! I really hope to win! - Krystal

  9. The crayons look like so much fun.

  10. I have always wanted homemade soap for sensiyive skin, and the little tutu is just darling. Please enter me into your giveaway, and thanks for stopping by my blog!

  11. wow! I would LOVE a rainbow tutu for my 2 year old, Ruby! So happy to have stumbled upon your blog through OWOH today!

  12. My 2.5 year old would LOVE that TUTU!
    I'll be back your crafty kid ideas are great!
    Outrageous joy,
    Kathy over at Everyday Bliss

  13. Thank ;you for coming by. I have entered your name in the hat please do the same for me.

  14. What fabulous goals!! My daughter would love that tutu.

    Hope you are having a wonderful day.
    Thank you for the chance to win.
    =) melanie
    melanieadey at hotmail dot com

  15. You are one busy family! Great job on the organizing!!! I've had the bug in me too to organize and I've done pretty good this year so far!
    Thanks for entering my giveaway and for noticing my travel trailer! I appreciate that! :) Good luck and have fun with OWOH!

  16. The tutu of course...size 8 child in rainbow colors. (my great granddaughter thanks you)
    It's so cute, please count me in.

  17. my daughter would just love one of your tutu's! i was looking at the strawberries and chocolate one, it is soo cute! she just turned 3.

  18. I lOVE the rainbow. The pink and chocoalte is cute but the rainbow is awesome!!!! I'd like a size 7/8 if i am the winner.

  19. Very nice! Count me in! Thanks a lot! I'd love to win this! :] SOAPS!

  20. Are we sisters or twins? I swear my goal list would have looked like this if I didn't force myself to stop! Ambitious people we are...I love finding more of us out there in this crazy world!

    Come see what I've been up to this year and join my contests, too!

    I'm #365 and 366 on the magic carpet

  21. What a great giveaway! I'd love the chocolate and strawberries tutu in the 14" size if I am lucky enough to win!

    Thank you for stopping by Foxy G's Den of i-KNIT-quity, #113 on the Magic Carpet Ride.

  22. My little girls would love it :)

    emailthegoblin at gmail dot com

  23. wow, your one busy lady, love your crayon idea!
    and doing 1900 swaps, wow! I would love to be in your drawing thanks for stopping by mine!

  24. Beautiful!
    Please count me in
    for a chance to win.
    I would like to have a red
    tutu size 32 in. waist -
    for the child within!!!!!
    Thank you.

  25. I love your blog! I would love to enter your drawing! my kidlet doesn't have a tutu, I feel like such a bad mom, she loves pink and purple and wears a 4/5...if we win of course!
    Thank you for offering!
    ps, I'm following your blog now because you have great ideas!

  26. I would love to win the soaps or a tutu in strawberries and chocolate to fit a 4 year old. Hope you can drop by and see me, I'm #228 on the carpet ride. :)

  27. Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving such a nice comment. You have been really busy. I wish I had accomplished that much this year. I love your model and the handmade soap sounds yummy. I made soap one year for Christmas and know how time consuming it is to make. Makes it even more worthwhile.

  28. super cool - cute kids lots of fun projects...good for you.

    I would love to win the tutu in a size 7/8 that way it'll fit both my girls.

    yeah - so glad you are participating in OWOH - Im off to check out your website..


    thanks for visiting my blog and entering the giveaway

  29. What great giveaways - I'd love the soap, and I know a certain 6 year old living in my house who'd go crazy for a tutu.

    My giveaway is for one of my fine art photographs, I'd love for you to stop by.

  30. Thanks for visiting me and please enter me. You have a wonderful giveaway!

  31. wow how busy are you?? and what a lovely giveaway, and a beautiful blog
    I also have a gift so pop over to my blog and if you fancy it I would love a comment
    Have a beautiful day
    Nicks x

  32. Hi A great read !! Big round crayons wil be so good for your kids creatvity to enjoy the freedom of colour without the pointedness of pencil shaped crayons.
    Looks like fun. Love the rainbow tutu and the soaps look great too. Thanks for dropping into to my blog and your comments
    Love, Light, and Rainbows

  33. A custom TUTU?????? OMG! I would to win! Please include my name!!!! Thanks for the chance to win!

  34. Wow! I'd love to win your rainbow tutu (for the 3 year old). Thank you! and thank you fro taking part in our giveaway! samjerus(at)

  35. What fun you have at your house! I love the post about making crayons - cool. And what fabulous items you're giving away! Thank you! Now ride the magic carpet over to my blog #213

  36. Love your tutus!!! And the darling girls..can they come, tu?!! Please enter me in and come on by for a visit at Faerieluna. I'm giving away a specially designed ATC..very 'girlie' and some vintage ribbon.

    xox Rella

  37. hi there! soaps and a tutu - what a great giveaway, please enter me!
    thanks for stopping by my blog - i hope you come back sometime soon :)

  38. Thanks for the visit. What awesome kids you have!
    Lucky you. They grow up so fast, but I do remember mine 'swimming' on the floor, too many years ago.

  39. Hi Sadie! Thanks for entering my giveaway. I would love to be entered in yours too! I bet those soaps are lovely. Have fun looking at all those wonderful blogs!

    My Desert Cottage

  40. Fantastic price, Sadie!
    Please enter me in your give-away! Thank you!
    Greetings from Stuttgart/Germany.
    Wish you the best.
    MARTINA :-)

  41. What a great blog! Please enter me! I have a tutu wearer in my family! And the soap sounds fantastic!

  42. I love this. I have a little girl the perfect size for that tutu. She would adore it. Please put my name in the hat. my blog is

  43. What beautiful giveaways and such a fun blog. I would love to be entered in your drawings.

  44. A tutu, so awesome, every little girl (and some big) need a tutu, please include me in your giveaway

  45. Now you tell me!! I would love the Pop Princess in a 22" Thanks Sadie!! Can I enter for the soaps as well??? I'll leave a second comment if needed.

    hmahan_0529 @yahoo dot com

  46. Thanks for stopping by and entering my giveaway.

    Your tutus are lovely, but I have no little girl in my life to give one to, so please just enter me into your drawing for one of those wonderful, handmade oatmeal soaps.

  47. Please enter me in your draw! Also pop over to my blog, have a browse around and enter my give away. I’m number 303 on the magic carpet :)

  48. Wonderful children. How long will you be able to keep that tidy. Of you are anything like me it will be 5 mins. Fantastic soap. Thanks for stopping by my OWOH blog stop. Count me in.

  49. Oh you have been very busy. I can see why it is so hard for you to get your etsy done! So much to do and so little time.

  50. Thanks for visiting my blog! I love your Zebra tutu!

    Count me in for the giveaway!

  51. Thanks so much for this giveaway the kids are adorable by the way :)

  52. What a great giveaway! Thank you for the chance to enter a tutu!! I cant choose what one I want the pink zebra or the chocolate and pink one both at lovely!! - krystal (

  53. Love this! Would be great for my cousin! :)


  54. Greetings from Moldova!
    thanks for entering my giveaway!
    Love your Strawberries and Chocolate tutu(oh, i don't know which size will be good for my daughter. she will be 1 this year...)
    OWOH #138

  55. Oh, your giveaway items are lovely, and TUTU fun! My little girl is all grown up, but my kindergarten students would love to have a tutu added to their dress up basket! Any colors of the rainbow would suit us fine!

    I do hope you'll be able to visit my blog and enter my giveaway for paper banners/bunting/garlands:

    Michaele michaelek1(at)yahoo(dot)com

  56. I love this, soap for me, Tutu for Grand daughter, wonderful giveaway please enter my name

  57. thanks for stopping by and entering my giveaway. please add me to your list. i love oatmeal soap!

  58. please add me!!!

  59. Please enter me.... I have two little grand daughters who would love this....
    Cath Ü

  60. I can't believe how busy you are! I love the crayons & the soaps! I think I should get the soap information from you. I was told to use oatmeal on my skin because it is soooo dry. You do wonderful things!

  61. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Your girls are super cute. Love your tutu's also. We love anything fairy at our house. Please include my name.

  62. The tutu looks lovely, I have just the girl for it too.

  63. Enter me for a chance to win! <3!

  64. The blue chocolate and the pink zebra tutus are both to die for! I'd say that any size between 19-22 would be awesome! Fantastic giveaway!

  65. OH OH! I'd like the strawberry chocolate, or the blue and chocolate tutu, in the smallest size you make! I can't wait! Thanks for stopping by, Pearl Avenue Studios #647!


  66. Woo Hoo the soap sounds divine. I love homemade soap, so much better than what you find in stores... Sign me up :D
    My blog:

    #646 on the OWOH page....

  67. Soap and Tutu's , How can you go wrong with that? (cute kids btw) Please drop my name in the hat and come by and visit my blog #657

  68. Sadie... thank you for stopping by my blog to enter yourself to win one of my OWOH art-glass heart pendants! Good luck!!

    Your daughtera are adorable models for your giveaways... how cute. Please enter me in your drawing!

    Thank you!

    Julie (#155 OWOH)

  69. I'm excited for hand soaps! and the tutu's are sweet! I love the blue and chocolate one :)

  70. Thanks for the crayon tutorial/ Think I will; have to try that. I'd love to enter for the tutu and soap!

  71. Oh! I would LOVE the homemade soap! And I have an 8 yr old daughter who would LOVE the tutu!!!

    thecountryblossom AT hotmail DOT com

  72. Honestly, I want the kids! Such a perfect crafty little family in these pictures!:D
    But I have no younglings of my own, so yes, I am entering for the soaps. Awesome as a tutu would be.;)
    So glad you joined the Flight!
    OWOH Ticket Holder #21

  73. Nice to meet you! Thank you for a chance to win one of your great creations. My niece would love it! Don't forget to visit me at both of my blogs too. Enjoy the ride! Monica

  74. ohhh I would LOVE the tutu fo rmy little girl. She is a size 3. Thank you for this amazing giveaway! count me in, xo Mendy

  75. oh and the color; pink pink pink!! LOL she is a pinky! we both are pinky girls..

  76. I would love to have the Strawberries and Chocolate tutu in size 5 year old. Thank you for the giveaway!!!

  77. my e-mail address is

  78. OMG! My daughter lives in tutus! And oatmeal soap sounds very nice this time of year. Thanks for the great giveaway!

  79. Thanks for stopping by our spot....I absolutely love the tutus...and the making crayons thing is a blast....I have been experimenting with various ways to melt the crayons and then pour into cookie cutters....I have had some success but still trying to perfect the technique. Please include us in your giveaway and stop back by our spot. ~elisha and charles~

  80. Love your giveaway, so please count me in,I love soap bars;-))


  81. Hi Sadie, it's lovely to meet you. I have a great-niece who would just love a tutu of her own, please count me in for your draw.

    This a wonderful and exciting event, with so many participants to meet and keep track of, I hope you get a chance to visit my blog too (if you haven't already).

    Have fun and enjoy the ride!!!


  82. Jumping up and down, pick me, pick me!! hehe Please add my name for your giveaway, I'd so love to win either the soap or tutu:-) Make sure you come over to enter mine, I'm #116. Thank you! xox

  83. Lovely,lovely! I would love to be entered to win your wonderful gift!

    Please stop by and enter my give away as well! I'm number 290

    Pink size 5 years:)

  84. Thanks so much for the chance to win!

  85. I enjoyed looking at the photos of your happy kids. Always a pleasure to get a peek in another Mom's world.
    I have 3 little girls who would LOVE that tutu and wear it everyday, to the store, church, everywhere! please enter me.


  86. I would have to have 3 boys! Love the tutu or the soaps....maybe I could squeeze my big butt in the tutu : lol Please stop over and see me too :) xoxo

  87. I LOVE handmade soap. I also love that rainbow tutu (size 5/6)
    I would be thrilled with either prize.
    Thank you for hopping aboard this magic carpet ride.
    I hope you get a chance to visit me over at #258 on your journey.
    hugs from ON, Canada

  88. Lovely blog! Since my girls are too old for the tutu, I would love to win the soaps, they sound wonderful! Thanks for the chance.

  89. Rainbow Dreams would be just right for my little great-granddaugher.

  90. What cuties! I just love the expressions on their faces! Too Cute! Please add me to the list for a chance!

  91. I'm sure I can find a little girl to wear a tutu! thank you for visiting!!!!!

    cheers from the Philippines!


  92. soap and tutu's, I love them both! and your models are so darn cute...please include me in your drawing and thanks for entering mine too! Melinda

  93. Thanks for the chance of winning your delightful giveaways. (tutu for aged 9 would be marvellous if I won)

    I hope you can come see my giveaways at

    Sherry from England, UK (ticket#251)

  94. WooHoo I neeed a tutu (well, not me personally :) and soap is my favourite gift! Please enter me in your draw -- thank you!

  95. I love you blog.. how awesome... I am Stefanija from swap bot. the one who is looking for Leapster games.. he he..(LOL)
    my fave color scheme for your blog.. its awesome.

  96. Hello Nellie
    My daughter has just been sitting next to me and is the same pretty freaked out because of the tutu. She has fallen into the same Blurple only I know me with the sizes not, 13 years old and very slim. Hope we win.

    Wienermaedl from Vienna / Austria

  97. Your soap sounds lovely and the tutu is adorable! Please count me in!

  98. If I had a little girl, I'd be all over those tutus, but failing that, your entries about the soaps have intrigued me before and I'd love to win some and try it out!

    Big Hill Goddess Magic Carpet ticket

  99. What a fun reading all the goals. How is that no shampoo thing going....I don't think I could handle the greasy hair look. Your tutu's are beautiful and love the look of the soaps you create too. Seeing the crayons being melted down brought but good memories. Thanks.

  100. Love soap and thanks for visiting to try to win my soap. :) I'm #736.

  101. Hi, oh yes, please add my name for the yummy oatmeal soap, I love homemade soap. Thank you for visiting my blog.

    Sandra #146

  102. Love the giveaway! If you get a chance, please stop by 542 on the magic carpet.

  103. Love the tutu! My 2 year old would love it more. #276

  104. What a fabulous giveaway, please enter my name, thank you.

  105. What a fabulous giveaway, please enter my name, thank you.

  106. Greetings & Salutations,
    Ooooooh Yummy Oatmeal Soap OWOH Giveaways!
    Really Fun Post.
    Fly by my blog when you get a chance...
    Forbidden Planet Giveaway #242 On The List @:

    P.S. Wonderful Blog Too... Loved all your projects you completed along the way!

  107. What a busy life! Please count me in......and do pop up in my blog to see what I put on my magic carpet...*wink*...Have a nice day!

  108. You're too clever by half! Great giveaway; please include me and visit 211.

  109. I always seem to get so much ink all over me, an extra bar of soap is always helpful.
    I’d love to be entered in your drawing. Stop by my blogs to be entered in mine.


  110. great photos!!!! Those soap bars sound fantastic. And don't worry about the state of your craft desk - if you fancy seeing some really messy ones you need to visit one of my favourite blogs on a Wednesday!! That's...

  111. Love your humor, when you find someone to do your Etsy listings will you send them to me.

  112. Great and funny post, the kids are gorgeous.

    I would LOVE the rainbow tutu just like the one in the photo, in a size 3.....thanks for the opportunity.

    I'm having so much fun exploring all the beautiful and varied blogs, I'll be back to have a better look around when I have some more time.
    I am stopover #70 on the Magic Carpet Ride, please stop on by for a visit and enter in my draw.

  113. I love trying new soaps especially the homemade. The tutu is very cute and I have the perfect colors in mind...that is if I win.
    Nice giveaway!

    Please be sure to check out my giveaway with this OWOH event at

    Bright blessings from Las Vegas, NV

  114. I'd like to try your homade soaps

  115. Awww the tutu is sooo cute love the strawberries and chocolate one :) would look so pretty on my daughter! and the soap sounds lovely :) pop over to my blog and enter mine too :) i'm #328


  116. OOOh gorgeous! My little girl (3y 9m)would adore a pink tutu. But the rainbow one is gorgeous too.

  117. gorgeous Nellie - we met on swap-bot and now your doing a giveaway from one of your tutu's - please please do count me in i adore your tutu's - what a great chance! Thanks :) #822

  118. Great giveaway! I would love to be the winner! Please enter me and come enter my OWOH giveaway too!

    (#185 A Vintage Cottage Home)

  119. Hi, thanks for visiting my blog! I have a special little friend that probably wears a size 5/6, and she loves pink, and is a very girly girl princess diva type of kid!

  120. I love your tutus! They are amazing!

  121. Oh! Oh! This is adorable - my 4 year old would wear it well. We would both be so grateful to be entered! Thank you, Kristin xo

  122. Too cool! I love brown and pink together (I'm not normally into pink, but with chocolate brown it's lovely!)

    I do love the rainbow tutu in the picture though. That, with a tie-dye shirt would turn my LO into a hippie princess! LOL

    The soaps sound awesome, too, btw. =)

  123. My my this is a great blog and I"m happy to be following it now. Plz add me to your drawing and fly on over and check mine out..I'm #717

  124. my sensitive skin could sure use some oatmeal, lol. Love your blog! Please enter my giveaway too, I'm #31 on the magic carpet.

  125. My youngest niece would love a tutu and I would love the oatmeal. Either way it would be great. I enjoyed reading other elements of your blog. Beautiful.

  126. Such fun prizes! Please enter me for your draw, I would love to be included. Thank you so much for entering my giveaway as well.

  127. What a fantastic giveaway, I'd love to win it! I’m also participating in One World One Heart. Please come by my blog and leave a comment to have a chance to win what I'm giving away. If I win, I'd like a pink tutu for my 1 year old grandaughter :-)

  128. Either the soap or the tutu (I have a 4year old granddaughter) Thank you for your generosity and if you ahve a minute, drop by my blog for a visit. I'll come back for a longer visit.
    violette #621

  129. What a pretty giveaway, please add me and feel free to come to my blog too.

  130. Please add my name to the hat! :o)

  131. What great prizes abd darling kids, please put my name in the drawing.
    Thank you for participating OWOH.
    So very nice to meet you.

  132. thanks for visiting my giveaway!
    delighted to enter yours - my niece would LOVE that tutu!!! and the soap sounds great! - thanks too for the tip on making crayons - wil come in handy! many thanks, Annette

  133. What a great give-away event, please count me in! You make beautiful things!

    greetings from the Netherlands

  134. Hi Nellie, what a lovely idea and post you have. I love the gorgeous custom tutu. I'd love to win. I absolutely love your gift. Please take time to visit my blog, too, for a chance to win my book, 16 x MOM: A Mastery of Motherhood. I'm working on getting all the country flags. I promise to revisit your's too.


  135. Thanks for the giveaway!! I would love a purple tutu for my little princess!

  136. Guess what I am doing next weekend.... making crayons!

    thanks for hosting

  137. Ohhhh..., you are one talented Chiccie! Love the tutu...

    Please throw my name in the hat and please fly on the Magic Carpet to Australia where you can win an Artsy Linen Eco Bag!

    I am Ticket Holder #873

    Julie xxx

  138. Oh, how do I choose?! I have two little people who would LOVE a tutu, so I'll have to choose that and hope they're willing to share, LOL! In size 7/8...and now I have to choose a colour too, oh dear! Hmmm, red or pink....oh, I think that lovely pale pink. And please drop in to my blog to join my giveaway too, I'm #592. :)

  139. Lovely offerings!
    Drop by & visit me #774!

  140. Your giveaway is fabulous! I would love a chance to win. Please add my name to your drawing!

  141. this would be a great prize - perfect for my grand daughter--


  142. Great giveaways! Please enter me.

  143. Hi,
    I'd love the soaps!!! Plus DD would love a pink tutu or any color actually!

    She goes around the house and says, "Point, Passe, Point, Close to First!"

    yogawithgaileee at gmail dot com

  144. thanks for entering my giveaway #889

    Your giveaway is super cute! But I don't know any lil girls, so the soaps would be an awesome win for me =D hmm maybe I can wear the tutu anyways haha jk,, cool giveaway!

  145. I like the soap idea and the tutu's!

    Cool site.
    Thanks for checking out my blog!


  146. Gorgeous projects- love both the heart and the rainbow tutu Great blog!
    Shelly #890
    Great Magic carpet Ride!

  147. G'day Nellie
    What beautiful giveaways...
    please include me...
    And thanks for flying over to My Place... OOroo... Bethel

  148. I have a little girl that would just love your tutu, please include me. Thanks for stopping by my blog also.

  149. thank you for stopping by to visit...please enter me in your the daughter has been dancing for 19 years....what sizes does it come in?

  150. great giveaway - thanks for stopping by my blog today =)

  151. Oh how wonderful! A chance to win a tutu! I'm thrilled. My granddaughters would love it and would share it. Well, gramma might have to get another one actually. ;) If I were to win the tutu, I'd pick strawberries and chocolate, in the largest size please. It's lovely.

    Thanks for coming by my blog and letting me know about your giveaway. I'm trying to visit all of the participants, but I may not make it by the cut off date. Of course, I can still visit later, but would have hated to miss a chance at your tutu. Thank you.

  152. Hi, Sadie!
    It's me again, the bossy thyroid lady! OMG, I LOVE the tutu, and your daughters are precious, I don't suppose they would come along with the tutu? Schucks, oh, well, you don't know unless you ask!!!
    Thank you so much for stopping by my blog, your sweet compliments about my work and PLEASE enter my name in your delightful giveaway!!!

  153. The Soaps sound wonderful too, I love the smell of homemade soaps!!! Oh, I hope I win!!!!!

  154. Great idea! Please visit my blog at:

  155. bonjour from French Riviera and thanks to stop your magic carpet by my blog. Please add me in your wonderful drawing.
    Pat de Verre

  156. How cute are your children and already starting to be crafty at a young age :-) The crayons being bakes sounds like fun :-) And an oatmeal soap seems yummy - - oh not for eating LOL

    Li(thanks for dropping by mine :-) )

  157. My girls are too big for the tutu :( But, I'd love some homemade soap!! It's all we use around here and we're running low!

  158. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I know a little girl who would look cute in your tutu when she gets a little older (my niece is 10months now) Please enter me in.

  159. The soap sounds heavenly, but I also have a granddaughter who'd love a tutu, so I'd be thrilled with either prize.

  160. soaps sound wonderful., Please enter my name. Please stop by my blog to sign up to win my crazy girl bracelet. ticket holder #807

  161. Hello Nellie, it was fun reading your list. My work space looks like yours did before you tidied up. Must do something about it. The tutu is awesome. My little girl loves dress up. She'd feel a million dollars in that. xJ

  162. I am loving your blog and going to become a follower after I post this. :) I will have to make my daughter some paint sample books too, with numbers and sight words, awesome idea!

    Your soap sounds heavenly and what little girl wouldn't want a handmade tutu! Count me in for your drawing please!

    snowpumpkin AT gmail DOT com

  163. Fabulous offerings. I'm sure my little lady would love any tutu...but her favorite is PINK. Please enter my name in your drawing :) What a FUN event...enjoy the ride!!

    Angie--Southeast, Texas #57

  164. Oh my... what a beautiful Tutu! My granddaughter would just love it! Please enter my name into your fabulous drawing for a chance to win.

    Also, I would love for you to stop by my blog to enter my giveaway - #548.

  165. Great giveaway! The strawberries and chocolate tutu would be perfect for my princess - size 6! Please add me to your drawing and thank you for your generosity

  166. Hi Nellie,
    What a busy person you are.
    I love your tutus so adorable.
    I love the rainbow one.
    Your soaps sound delicious.
    Love to try.
    Please enter me into the draw.

  167. How fun! I'm hosting a giveaway as well, come stop by!
    I would love to be included in your giveaway!
    Thanks for the chance to win!
    a size 6 for the tutu is grand- I know a little girl that would *adore* a pink one....

  168. Thanks for stopping at my blog for OWOH. I love all your kids' projects. My 6-year-old daughter would just love one of your tutus. Thanks for bringing me to your blog.

  169. Awesome idea for the crayons! I'll have to try that!

  170. Beautiful! Fab creation. Please enter me. #813 x

  171. I would LOVE the handmade soaps--so wonderful! My girls are just too big for the tutu. Great idea, though.
    Great giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win.

  172. What a color fest! I bet the little girls love your magical tutus! Thanks so much for visiting me at Loveleigh Treasures, it was a pleasure to meet you on the magic carpet ride!

  173. Oh, how adorable! I am entering for the tutu in strawberry and chocolate in size 3. I will be making the crayons tomorrow when my granddaughters come over to visit. We have TONS of brokens *grin*

    I am #985 on the Magic Carpet Ride

  174. Greetings from Wisconsin. I would LOVE to win these oatmeal bars and tutu! Stop by my blog for my giveaway too, if you haven't already. Well, I'm off on my magic carpet to the next dream destination. Happy Dreams!

    Heavenly Humor #922
    Debby (hugs)

  175. If I had a child I would definitely take the tutu. But being childless and having sensitive skin, I'm opting for the soap! I would love a chance to win.
    Sophie in Montreal

  176. Your Blog is so much fun! Thanks for the chance to win!

  177. Great. please count me in.

  178. I would love to be included in your wonderful drawing.

  179. What a cute giveaway. My daughter would love one. Please add my name and then visit my blog to enter my giveaway.

  180. This comment has been removed by the author.

  181. I would love the soap and my niece would love the is adorable.

    I hope you can stop by and visit my giveaway if you haven't already. I'm #253 on the magic carpet ride.

  182. Great give away! Please Add me.

  183. what a fantastic giveaway! Please count me in...and pop over to my place to check out my giveaway! Hope your havin a great weekend!

    Isn't this such a wonderful event!

    Much love

  184. What a cute tutu! I know a little girl that would LOVE this :)

  185. Oh ,what fun!
    Beautiful blog and a stunning treasure! I am flying on my magic carpet ,visiting from Connecticut. Thanks for the lovely giveaway I am blog #937

  186. So Darn cute! The girls and the tutu's! I have just the darlin' little girl in mind. She's not mine, but a neighbor who always gives me hugs and smiles at 3 years!

    Stop by my blog to enter and check out my Etsy site. I make crowns/b'day hats and cake toppers!! Maybe you know a princess in the making that would enjoy a bit more glam!
    (Newer blog and etsy site,,,,I'm making them as fast as I can!,,,Lots of custom work prevents me from getting on hand stock available!)

    Washington State

  187. Please enter me in your giveaway!! I *LOVE* the hot-pink zebra tutu, & I'm guessing around a 20 inch size? Thanks! I would LOVE to win :) Amanda
    p.s. - please visit me at # 1031 :)

  188. Hi Nellie,
    thank you for visiting my blog 885, I have been slowly making my way around the world on my magic carpet. I would love to win the soap and tutu,

  189. Love the tutus. Would love a rainbow one in a size 4T for a little princess granddaughter. She would dance the nights away. Beautiful. Please include me.

  190. I love your blogs and the Tutus and soaps please add me to your magic hat!!!

    marilyn number 1045 (i think)!!!

  191. I love soaps! thanks for visiting my blog too #1049 in the owoh list!

  192. I'd love to try one of your soaps! They sound perfect and gentle! Thanks for the entry in your giveaway.

  193. I'm real particular about my soap...this sounds like a good chemicals..yeah! it looks like you have a sweet life..making crayons, that's new for kids...thx for visiting my site and I hope you win the poster for your girlfriend...what fun that would be! thx for playing, june

  194. Soap and tutus, hurray!
    Waxela (wa-shay-la)

  195. Wonderful to rest my carpet here for a while. Love the giveaways, could really use those soaps!


  196. I stumbled upon your blog and I absolutely love it! I'm going to be following you to keep me motivated. I'm not all that crafty, but I'm so impressed with everything that you do! The tutus are beautiful!

  197. What a fun blog you have. It looks like there is a lot of laughter in your home. Precious! I'd love to win an oatmeal soap. I have become a soap fanatic as of late, and handmade is the best! Thanks for joining OWOH.

  198. I would love to get the giveaway of the largest TUTU. 5t. A colourful one - please. Hope I win.

  199. Yay! My skin has been horrible this winter. I would LOVE to win your soaps! Thank you for the opportunity. :)


  200. Awesome giveaway! My Daughter, who is a dancer would absolutely love the tutu and I would love the soap! Please enter me!


It is always great to hear from you!!