Who wants coupons?

Last night was a good night. All three girls went to Mammie's house. Rachel and I went to dinner - had lobster - went to Hobby Lobby to look around (got a .25 pen for Rach to start working on zentangle inchies for me), rented The Hangover, watched it, and went to bed. It was really relaxing. I finished her scarf, she loves it... though as I type, it's sitting by my feet in my craft corner... hmm.

I decided to do away with the schedule for my blog for now. It was making me crazy, I felt like I had to fit into a box. I hate hate hate that! Even though I made the box lol. But I will still post daily and will still have recipes every week as well as a tutorial or two!

Today when we were picking the girls up from Mammie's house, an older guy (probably 70s? or older?) was talking to me and Sapphire (our youngest). He was saying how cute she was, and then Rach walked up and took her and he asked if she was my other child. WHAT?! SHE IS 30!! I AM 24! No, she is not my child!! lmao It was HILARIOUS, to say the least. I'm 6'2" and she is barely 5'5", plus when she is all bundled up she could pass for a 10 year old boy. But it was just so funny, I had to say bye and walk away as quickly as possible because my eyes were filled with tears. It was great. Not sure if Rach liked it so much. Heh.

I buy the Sunday paper every week, without fail, and only use about 20 of the coupons (yes, it's worth it!). I'm going to start a coupon swap in a few weeks, but for now I'm just giving them away. Anybody want them? There are some REALLY good coupons in there. Lots of food coupons, some toothpaste, beauty products, hair dye, crackers, etc. Just leave me a comment and I'll email you to get your address.

And I leave you with.... a Sunday FUNNY!! This is how I want our wedding to go when we finally are able to get married!! w00t!! How fun does THAT look!?


  1. Its always fun to see this. Actually there are A LOT of videos on youtube like this (first dance interrupted haha)

  2. I'd love them Sadie! Thanks

    hmahan_0529 @ yahoo dot com

  3. LOVE IT!!

    this is Stefanija from Swapbot for the blogger swap... I was already following you, so thought I would leave ya a coment as well..

  4. I laughed so hard at the video you posted. Can't wait to read more!
    a new follower thanks to the swap ♥I want BLOGGER followers♥

  5. hey there, I’m rhodyart from the swap-bot blog swap. I started folowing you with the last blog swap, am glad to be back and hope that you post more! I do know what you mean about trying to fit a blog into a box. I think it's enough just to try to blog daily.
    lin c

  6. Gay marriage is legal here in the Netherlands, go do it here!

    I was already following you but your my partner for this swap to.

    XO Viola Odorata
    ♥I want BLOGGER followers♥~ EDITED @ swap-bot


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