Cool Etsy Finds and other Noteworthy Blogs

Before I forget, and get into rambling about my Etsy finds, please check out Michelle's project.

This book is a collaboration of many artists who will through a single page translate the message of love. This is a “living' project. The more people that contribute the better it will be. As pages get sent in , you can watch as the book takes form.
Watch it grow at Your Art Is Love.

As a contributing artist, you become part of the story. You will be love's messenger.

My neighbor, Dana, is joining me on my no poo adventure. :) I'm also trying to talk her into doing a "Touring Tuesdays" with me... we have the SAME apartment so it would be really cool!! Stop by her page and talk her into it. ;)

And if you haven't started yet, you should be following Journey Through Japan. Lots of awesome pictures of Japan... and good descriptions of them along the way.


First up, this little set of colorful fabric coasters really caught my eye. Of course you could make your own fabric coasters.. but just look at these. Do you see how much sewing was involved? And if you know me at all, I. Do. Not. Sew.

Visit Projects by Jane to see more of her unique designs.

Next up, Digital Seams...

Though I make handmade soaps as well, these are just too darling to skip over.

Last but not least, these hand sawed plexi-glass flower earrings are the bomb!

Head on over to La Cravate Du Chien to see more of their creations!

Do you have any favorite Etsy shops? Besides mine, of course. :)

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Speed test


  1. The coasters are really cute.


  2. Thanks for the heads up on "Journey Through Japan" Love, Love, Love it.

  3. I know you hate sewing so check this out! There's this stuff you can use that irons on stuff to make stuff stick together? I bought some by accident when I was trying to find something to mark B's camp clothes with(name, cabin # etc....He still comes home with 2 odd socks that aren't even his and loses the rest some how.)


It is always great to hear from you!!