Father/Daughter Dance -- Pictures

Well, as many of you know, our girls don't really have a dad. Unfortunately, they don't even have any uncles (except those that live in another state).. or any grandpas (except one that lives 6+ hours away). So, basically, no strong male influences in their lives. That makes me sad for them, but I can't just go find a random guy on the street and expect him to be friends with us and our kids.

Anyway, the reason I wrote that is because Jenelle wanted to go to the Father/Daughter dance on Friday. We had decided, as a family, that we would not partake. Reason being, she didn't have anybody (male) that could take her. Well, we were at Girl Scouts last week and one of the moms suggested that Rachel bring her. She said she has seen a mom or two in the past at these dances. How exciting, I thought! :)

I rushed home and asked Rachel if she wanted to take Jenelle to the dance. She almost jumped up and down in response! :) This was on Tuesday. So, we rushed around all week finding a dress for Jenelle (found one at Once Upon A Child for $6.50), a tie for Rachel ($16 .. I about died when I found out she spent that much on a flippin' TIE lol), and shoes for Jenelle ($20 at Payless.. we don't usually spend that much on shoes but it was last minute and we couldn't find any her size at Goodwill).

See the $16 tie...

They had such a great time! :) They were both glowing all week, just waiting for the dance. When Friday night rolled around, they couldn't stop wiggling (yes, Rachel included). They were so antsy! But they looked sharp. :)

I put Jenelle's hair in curlers (Thanks for the curlers, Dana), and of course her sisters wanted to be included so I did theirs as well. Jenelle and Rachel went off to the dance, and we stayed home and had our own dance. It was relaxing.. and so fun. We laughed all night. :)

Rachel looked so sharp, and Jenelle looked absolutely darling. :) Yes, I let my 8 year old wear make-up just this once.

Anyway, they had a great time.. I'm glad they went. A few of the dads gave weird looks but were cool after a little while. One little girl gave Jenelle a hard time and said "This is a FATHER daughter dance.. EVERYONE has a FATHER". Well, it only took about two seconds for Rachel to set her straight. :) She is nicer than I am. She just told the little girl that some dads aren't as good as others. I would've given her a lecture on human rights hahaha.


  1. AWWWW this is such a wonderful post, what a great person Your friend was to do that, it will be a memory that will always be remembered
    and cherished by a beautiful little girl,even after she is no longer a little girl.

  2. This made me smile! The pictures AND the post are so positive and happy. And everyone looks wonderful.

    Do you have a boys and Girls Club close to you? There would be some male influence there, if it is something you would like your girls to have.

  3. thank you for joining my blog and for your wonderful open minded blog. OWOH is a great event and I am grateful for all the wonderful people I have met through it.

    I recently made one of my granddaughters a tutu - it was more of a no-no than a tutu.

  4. Oh how swell they both looked! I have to say, you have a fanTAStic family. All the twinkling eyes I see make me smile.

  5. Really, in this day and age? I know two little girls whose father died serving this country, and when it comes to father daughter events, if an Army buddy isn't available (which happens more and more with the continued deployment) thier mom or grams or aunt take them. I would think that by now people would be used to the idea, but hey I live in a city with billboards and bus ads for the gay community, so to me its just common place.

  6. TreeHuggin Momma, where are you from? We live near St. Louis and though the city is a LITTLE more open minded, our small town definitely is not. I'm just glad that Rachel isn't afraid of what other people think, and I'm really glad that our girls are so young. They don't realize that people "hate" others JUST for having a family like ours.

  7. What are you talking about "no male influence"? Everytime my husband comes up there they all cling to him and I'd like to think he's a good influence...

  8. LOL Once a week for a few minutes while I say "Girls, get out of Steve's butt" doesn't count. :P

  9. Ooh, your in the bible belt! We are in Oklahoma, but whenever I go to Springfield, MO, I see how religious people are and a little backwards. But that is so wonderful that she took your little girl, they both look dashing, and glad she had so much fun! I know here as a military community when there are daddy daughter events and the dad is gone mommy would take them!

  10. That's neat, that it's okay for the momma to take the little girls. I was sad that Jenelle was missing out on the dance, but we had planned a "movie night popcorn" (as the kids call it) as a replacement. I'm really glad they got to go, though. She felt like a "real princess", she said. Plus, Rachel has never done anything like that before so she was very happy!

    And yes, defffffinitely in the Bible Belt. ;)

  11. so glad they had a good time...they both looked great...

  12. What a great memory for both of them! I love it! Pictures are just perfect!
    Tina @ The Floundering SAHM

  13. I think they made a terrific looking pair - what a memory to cherish.

  14. It looks like that last minute decision to go was certainly the right one! How fun!

  15. Wonderful post! Such cute pictures! I'm so glad she went to the dance!


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