I'm on a roll today - Lists of 100

Okay, so this is like my fourth entry for the day. Oh well. :) I stumbled upon THIS little gem, and could not resist. I love my list of 100 goals for 2010 and honestly it was hard to stop at 100! If I complete most of them I might add 50 more, who knows. But when I discovered this list, I was just like WOAH! Awesome!!!

The ones that are bold I would like to try.

100 Things to Write a List of 100 About
100 Things I’m Grateful For
100 Ways I Could Nurture Myself

100 Ways I Sabotage Myself
100 Things I’m Good At
100 Things I Like About Myself

100 Questions I Want Answers
100 Ways To Improve My Life
100 Things I’ve Accomplished In My Life
100 Things I’m Feeling Stressed About
100 Things I’d Do If I Had Time
100 Things I Need Or Want To Do
100 Things I Want To Accomplish In The Next X Months
100 Things To Do Before I Die
100 Things That Are Going Right

100 Things That Are Going Wrong -- I'd rather not focus on the negative!
100 Reasons I Want To Stay Married/Committed -- Definitely
100 Reasons I Don’t Want To Stay Married/Committed
100 Things I Want In A Partner/Relationship
100 Things I Have To Offer To A Partner/Relationship
100 Fears I Am Having Right Now
100 Things That Once Scared Me But Don’t Anymore
100 Reasons To Save Money
100 Things I Miss
100 Sacrifices I Have Made
100 Marketing Ideas For My Business - I'd like help with this one
100 Ways I Can Make Money
100 Ways To Make A Difference
100 Jobs/Careers I’d Like To Have
100 Fears About Being A Multimillionaire
100 Things I Believe In
100 Achievements (Qualities) I Am Proud Of
100 Things I Value In Life
100 Ways I Help Others
100 Things That Turn Me On
100 Things That Turn Me Off
100 Judgments I Make - Ouch, this one will be hard..
100 Things I Find Hard To Share
100 Things I’m Disappointed About
100 Things I’m Angry About
100 Things I’m Sad About
100 Things [Peoples, Places] I Love
100 Things To Do When I’m Depressed
100 Things To Do When I’m Alone
100 Rules I Have Broken
100 Skills I Have
100 Feelings I Am Having Right Now
100 Childhood Memories - This could be fun
100 Things My Parents Used To Say To Me
100 Ways In Which I’m Generous
100 Ways To Be More Productive - I'd like some help with this one, too!
100 Things I Hate
100 Things I Want
100 Places I’d Like To Visit - Complete with pictures... o0o0o!
100 Things I’d Like Someone To Tell Me
100 Things I’d Like To Hear
100 Things I’d Like To Tell My Child
100 Things I Want My Child To Know About Me
100 Reasons To Have A Baby
100 Reasons Not To Have A Baby - I'd like to make this one for teens.
100 Adjectives Describing Myself
100 Decisions Other Have Made For Me
100 Decisions I Made That Turned Out Well
100 Things I’d Do If I Had Six Months To Live - No way, too depressing!!
100 Expectations Other Have Of Me
100 Expectations I Have Of Myself
100 Judgments I Haven’t Released
100 Ways To Be More Creative - I'd LOVE your help with this one!
100 Things I Could Carry In My Pocket
100 Things I’d Save If My House Were On Fire
100 Things I Want To Tell My Mother [Father]
100 Things I’d Never Tell My Mother [Father]
100 Financial Fears
100 Excuses I Make For Myself
100 Things I Need/Want To Control
100 Fears I Have About Giving Up Control
100 Answered Prayers
100 People I’d Like To Meet
100 Reasons Why I Get Jealous
100 People I Admire
100 Tasks I’ve Been Procrastinating
100 Memories From My Past
100 Things That Nourish Me
100 Things I Haven’t Finished
100 Things I’m Glad I’ve Done
100 Things I’ll Never Do Again
100 Ways To Generate Income
100 Principles To Live By
100 People I Want To Forgive
100 People I Want To Forgive Me
100 Things To Forgive Myself For
100 Mistakes I Have Made
100 Lessons I Have Learned
100 Ways To Be Healthier
100 Things That Make Me Cry
100 Things That Make Me Laugh
100 Things I’d Delegate
100 Thing I Want For My Birthday
100 Possessions I’m Tired Of Owning
100 Responsibilities That I’d Like To Avoid

(That's 100 lists of 100, if you were curious.)

There's even a Lists of 100 blog and a Lists of 100 swap-bot group

I think I am already addicted to this lists of 100 thing! Tonight, I will start a list. Tomorrow, I will post it to my blog. :)


  1. Dear Sadie, thanks for the comment! Oh, and let me count the ways in which I LOVE your tutus. You know, there just aren't enough things made of colorful tulle in the world :)

  2. Thanks for the award! Yay! I'm so glad that I am not alone on the OWOH thing. I was thinking about mailing the chick that organizes it and modifying the giveaway where you ACTUALLY follow the people that you're trying to win stuff from and ACTUALLY care enough to comment.

    I didn't win anything. Though I did get an e-mail saying "You've won" and got really excited, but it was spam e-mail. Haha.

    Your list is impressive as it is. I can't wait to read your future lists.


  3. Alright Seriously I'm stupid Sadie. How do I put the award on my blog?

  4. Sadie, CONGRATULATIONS! You have won the dangling hearts giveaway from me http://poemsmyway-valrie.blogspot.com

    Please email me so I can get this mailed to you! poemsmyway@yahoo.com


  5. Ok you have given 10,000 ways to kill some serious time, lol.



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