Touring Tuesdays: Kitchen

TreeHugginMomma was right when she guessed that Rachel's favorite room is the kitchen.

Our apartment is roughly 800 square feet. It is not spotless.. it is not a museum.. but it is lived in. If you want to see something specific, let me know. I've never seen anyone do a Touring Tuesday except this person (don't get me started), so I'm not really sure what all it entails. I just liked the idea and ran with it. :)

Our kitchen table and chairs...

Sink, fryer, microwave...

The art hanging above the sink was purchased at Target. It's a combination of my two favorite things in the world: license plates, and a peace sign. (On a side note, if you'd ever like to do a swap and send me license plates, count me in!)

We don't use the fryer very often, but there is nowhere else to put it so that is where it stays. :)

This is our my collection of boxes over the cabinets. They could stand to be a little more organized, but who has time? :) The boxes are for mailing giveaways and such, I'm trying to be as green as possible in that area.

Last, but not least, our stove... and yes, there is a Little Caesar's pizza box inside. I was trying to use it for something, but gave up because it was kind of greasy.

See? I told you it wasn't too interesting lol. We have lots of cabinet space for the size of our kitchen, I think. One cabinet is cups.. one is plates/bowls.. one is for spices (we have a lot of those).. two for food, and then the bottom cabinet is for pots/pans (as well as under the stove).. and the cabinet under the sink is for cleaning supplies. Four small drawers to the right of the stove are filled with various craft items... it's not an addiction, I promise... :)

I'm trying to talk my neighbor into doing a Touring Tuesday as well, because our apartments are identical as far as floor plans go. I think it would be really cool to see them both, don't you? Stop by her blog and let her know you want to stalk see her apartment, too!!


  1. i "collect" boxes and containers too. Has your kitchen ever cooked Chinese food?

  2. Hey that is a great place for your boxes, at least they are out of Rachel's way, mine however are all over. And I collect anything that might have a future use (it's a bit of a curse).
    Love your kitchen, its so clean :)

  3. LOL Ladies. Yes, they're out of the way.. plus Rach is only 5'3" so there is no way they could ever be IN her way. :D I, on the other hand, am 6'2"... so they're in the perfect spot.

    I love that she is a neat freak.. the place stays pretty clean for having 3 kids running around!

    Jane, we've never cooked real Chinese food.. we do our own version of chicken stir fry a lot. What kind did you have in mind?

  4. your kitchen is so clean...I'm jealous. If you ever want to send your neat freak over here to clean feel free. lol. I like the place neat, but since I'm the only one who does the cleaning it's kind of a losing battle.

  5. Love it! As soon as I find that damn camera(here I go again about my camera! I swear! I had it set aside til I was able to get a memory card, I get the memory card, BAM! The camera grew legs and ran away!!! I effing love this camera!!!)


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