Working on some goals

#4 - Complete 100 swaps -- 22/100 completed. I am currently in like 6 swaps as well. Honestly, it's a bit overwhelming right now. I haven't joined any new swaps in at least a week, and won't be joining any more for at least two more weeks. Too much going on.

#15 - Make spreadsheet for tutus -- I made a spreadsheet on the computer, but I wasn't happy with it. I'm now inventorying everything on regular wide ruled loose leaf paper and keeping it in a binder with my receipts for expenses/income.

#16 - Add 20 items to ETSY shop -- 7/20 completed

#18 - Add 10 tutu designs to website - 2/10 completed, plus I redid ALL of the inventory numbers and added more Allie Clips!

#22 - Add more pictures of bows to website - Completed 2/20/2010

#23 - Make 4 mohawk hats (without ear flaps) -- 1.5/4 completed. :)

#41 - Drink at least 3 bottles of water a day -- Working on this one.. drinking at least 1 or 2, haven't made 3 yet.

#44 - Lose 40lbs -- 6/40, all in the past week or two.

#52 - Make pop-up card -- Completed 2/1/2010, forgot to blog about it. The girls and I made pop-up Valentine's with little squiggly hearts for Mammie. We actually lost them and made new cards (not pop-up) yesterday. Not sure if I know where those are, either.. haha

#54 - Write 25 articles for eHow - 1 and 2/25 completed

#56 - Weigh in weekly - FAIL.. haven't been doing that. Will start when the scale goes down a bit.

#58 - Post craigslist ad for tutus at least once a month - 2/12 completed, but people keep flagging them and saying they are "prohibited" or "spam". I think it is other people who sell similar items who are doing this, because I've NEVER had anything flagged before. Sad..

#60 - Teach Gracelynn Sign Language ABCs - she is doing well with almost all of the letters! We will make a video when she has learned how to fingerspell a few words.

#72 - Make something with my button stash - Completed 2/10/2010, will post pictures later, made flower clips with button in the middle

#74 - Make a journal and swap it - Completed 2/4/2010, sent to swapper in Illinois. She sent me a message saying she LOVED it. :)

#79 - Make 10 YouTube videos -- I actually made another video and created a new (business) YouTube Channel 1/10 completed

#97 - Try to stop using shampoo -- This is going well. I am on week 3(?) of no-poo and my hair is amazing, better than it's ever been - HOWEVER, now my scalp is kind of breaking out. I've been using baking soda and lemon juice mixed with water to "wash" my hair once every 4 days or so. Everything has been great (minus a little frizziness), until this week when I started breaking out. Am looking into getting some tea tree oil, heard this helps. Any tips?

#99 - Pay all bills ON TIME -- doing well so far. :)

Well, I guess that's not so bad now that I type it all out. I was feeling as if I wasn't moving forward with much. However, I made like 70 clips and bows this week (even korkers, which I HATE to make). I have four tutus I have to make by tomorrow evening (EEK!) for customers, and at least five by Friday morning (EEK!) to put in the shop. I am corresponding with a woman who makes beautiful boutique hairbows that wants to put her items on my website, and am talking to a few others about link exchanges.

I'm hosting three giveaways currently - two on Cafemom and one on my blog (OWOH). All giveaways end this Friday (busy day!).

This weekend is something I am really looking forward to. For one thing, all of my stuff will be in the shop and I can breathe again. And for two, Rachel and I get a date night because my mom is keeping the kids alllll night! w00t!! :) Next week will be busy, too, but not QUITE as hectic! Hopefully I can continue to get things organized and move forward with my business and my goals.

Leave a comment, let me know you're reading! :)


  1. WTG on the goals! I've only done one more of mine (buy a tutu from you, lol). What giveaways are you hosting on cafemom? I must have missed them. I love yor giveaways.

  2. Baking soda and lemon juice really works? That is really impressive. I don't know if I could go without shampoo.

  3. I thought I couldn't, either, but I figured what the heck. lol. The first week was hard, but after that it has been smooth sailing (except for the two days this past week that I broke out.. it's cleared up now). My mom was so impressed with how my hair looked that SHE is trying it, when she was one of my biggest critics! :) If you try it and don't like it, you can always go back to shampoo! lol


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