How to Succeed on ETSY

I just made my first Etsy sale today. I will admit that, after seeing all of the amazing tutus on the website, I almost didn't join Etsy. However, after countless hours of looking over all of their tutus, I realized mine weren't the same.. so why not jump in?? I jumped in half-heartedly and that was my mistake. However, I plan on improving my shop 100% before summer starts. My tutus are unique in many ways, but my favorite difference is the ribbon waistbands. I know I really need to talk that up and let everyone know how awesome they are. That will be my first goal, to make everyone realize why ribbon is better! :) When making tutus with an elastic waistband, only about half the amount of tulle is used. I learned that when I started making them. I hated how UNfluffy they were, so I figured out a different way. :) So, my super fluffy, sturdy tutus, are worthy of etsy. It took me a while to realize that (especially after seeing the AMAZING photos some of these tutu women take).

I have been reading articles a LOT lately, and wanted to pass them on. I know a lot of my blogger friends are fellow Etsians, so I'm hoping these will help. Many of you may have seen these already, but like I said I'm just getting into Etsy so please be patient. :D

Making the most of Etsy

WikiEtsy article

Very thorough helpful article

Newbie Tips

Selling FAQ

More newbie tips

Selling Tips from dyno

Writing Store Policies

Tips from an accountant

Small Businesses and Taxes

Etsy forum discussion, newbie tips

Selling checklist

Dos and Don'ts of self promotion

GREAT post

Reasons I'm not buying from you

Why haven't I sold anything?

Etsy Team Resources and How Tos

Also, I joined Link Referral today, and have already discovered a few great blogs. The few that come to mind that I'm now following are:

1 - SAHM of 3.. has a good coupon organizing post that hooked me!

2 - Thrifty is Nifty - has lots of coupons, freebies, etc. Not usually my cup of tea as far as blogs go, but I'm giving it a shot because I like the last few posts she's made. :)

and last but not least

3 - Six Flower Mom, a homeschooling, going green, babywearing, co-sleeping momma. I love reading blogs like this. Jealousy.


Free Printable Child ID Kit here -- I'm sure there are more, but I found this one today and I think everyone should have one of these -- though I don't have any current ones. Maybe this weekend.

And if you don't feel like visiting allllllll of those links up there for Etsy tips, this ONE link will tell you everything you need to know. ETSY TIPS


  1. Always great to get a referral! Thanks for checking me out!! I will follow you. I LOVE LOVE LOVE good reading material! Plus I feel like I am making so many new friends :)


  2. Sadie, congrats on your first Etsy sale. And thanks for all the tips. I'm not very successful selling online. I never read any tips or develop my shop etc so that's probably why. But thanks to you, I will go to all the links you provided.

  3. Congrats on your first sale!

    I am in the process of opening my own Etsy store and I greatly appreciate these tips! Thank you!

  4. I'd like to share a story here...

    I was an Etsy seller and I was (and still am) a Esty buyer. Once upon a time, I bought a tutu for my niece (who was 4) for her birthday. It never showed up. Of course, I had already told her that I had ordered a tutu just for her. Disappointing? Yes, but I learned my lesson BIG TIME.

    You are doing everything right, you have a blog where people can learn that you're a cool chick and dedicated to what you do (and your kids!). That sells me every. single. time. If I have the choice between buying an item from someone with lots of sales (because the person I had bought from previously did!) or someone who has a "online personality" and has great feedback from blog pals and updates regularly, I will always go with the person who makes me feel like my money is going to a good person and I'll get a good product! ♥

  5. Congratulations on your first sale! I keep saying I want to open a shop on Etsy, but I am scared. Just scared.

  6. Sadie - I need to talk to you about your Tutus (I need one for my DD who is 8 but wears a size 12) she has never fit into the big box store tutus (because she has always been so big for her age (people often think she and her 12 year old sister are only a year apart). You mention that you do a ribboned waiste, is it a ribbon tie or a ribbon slip on? Thanks

  7. I'll send you a message, Momma! The waistband is a tie on but you can tie it in a knot to make it a slip on. I actually just finished a size 12 not even 5 minutes ago! :)

  8. I like that the waist is a tie on, we had to search high and low for items that tied so she could wear them. Most of her dress up clothes came from older girls who danced and adult dresses that I cut down and tied a belt on (with ribbon). She would love a tutu. I can measure her waist and send that to you as well.

  9. Congratulations on your first sale - and many more to come :) Thanks for the resources, too!


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