Kinda tired

We will be up late tonight again, making tutus. I have a party to attend tomorrow night and need to have 10 tutus ready. I think we have like 4 or 5 done. WEEEEEEEE! I'll get some rest this weekend. Seems like we go full force all week! I try to get things done during the day but when I'm online I feel like I'm going in circles! I go from Facebook, to Etsy, to Cafemom, to blogs, and back to Facebook to start all over LOL. I am going to start making a schedule for myself. 9AM wake up.. computer time until 10, then work on something.. whether it's tutus, crafts, wii, whatever. Something other than the black hole of the internet.

So Jenelle's dad sent a text tonight: "Sunday still cool?". Um, no Chris.. Sunday is NOT "still cool". You were supposed to text BY Wednesday at 8pm to CONFIRM you were getting her Sunday. He has had visitation since January I believe.. and has missed over half of his visits. That doesn't sound that bad, except his visits are TWO times a month for FOUR hours. Yet he has still managed to miss over half of them. Really? Ugh. I want to move to another state, but can't because of the visitation. I'm going to be making a log of when he shows up, when he doesn't, and all of the lame ass excuses he uses (your car can only "not start" so many times.. you can only "oversleep" so many times.. come on), and hopefully we can petition the court to be able to move. *Fingers crossed*

I am really disappointed in the photo shoot from Saturday. I got about 10 pictures from her on Monday, like she had promised, but they weren't that great. I can use MAYBE three of them for the website, after I do some editing of my own. Luckily I didn't pay much for them but still.. just really let down. I used to work with the photographer at my old job, and she's good people, but she sucks at taking pictures. The day was perfect.. sun was perfect.. models did GREAT.. but the pictures stink. Luckily, I brought Jenelle's digital camera and got a few cute shots. I am using them for the tutu party tomorrow. EEK I still need to make up a price list and order form. Crap.

My picture

Her picture

A random collage of pictures I had before

Well, Jenelle challenged me to a wii competition, so I have to go now... I might blog later, but for the sake of my sanity I should probably just wait until tomorrow morning. :) I have a long blog planned. And an award to pass on!

OH and this is the outfit I'm wearing to the party tomorrow night.


  1. Why do you pay someone who's not good at taking photos to take photos for you? I guess you must be asking yourself the same question. I see you dig leopard printz....

  2. I know this is off the subject of this post but I was reading on another blog page and thought of you...
    check this out

    She is looking for people who make creative things to showcase. I thought of you INSTANTLY! chcek it out and let me know how it goes.



  3. Um shouldn't the Tutu be center stage not the deck? I could understand if it was a cool tree in the background or something like that, but the deck?

    Oh well, next time I will come take your pictures.

    Good Luck at today's party :)_

  4. I love your tutu's they are super cute! Sorry to hear about your little one's daddy, I hope one day he will see what he's missing out on before it's too late.



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