Menu Plan Monday

Not guaranteeing I'll do this every week, but I plan my menus anyway so I figured I'd join in on the fun.

Any time it says bacon, I substitute for turkey bacon. If it says ground beef, we use 98% fat free ground turkey. We also use fat free sour cream instead of butter when possible. On some of the recipes, we actually use our own (made up) ones, but I found a link to a similar recipe just so everyone can make their own if they want!

B: blueberry muffins
L: pb&j
D: cheesy chicken taco casserole


B: french toast
L: mac & cheese w broccoli
D: spaghetti casserole

B: cereal
L: pepperoni pizza pie (idea from orgjunkie
D: baked chicken, mashed potatoes, cream cheese corn


B: oatmeal
L: pb & j
D: loaded twice baked potatoes


B: cinnamon rolls
L: soup
D: turkey burgers and french fries (might try baked sweet potato fries.. not sure yet)

B: breakfast casserole
L: pizza (home made)
D: bbq chicken from slow cooker

A few good recipe links:
quick&easy recipes
recipes for picky eaters

Please leave me a comment and let me know what you think, this is my first time joining in on the fun!


  1. Sounds like a great menu plan. I like to plan menus friday night before I go to the market, although with my CSA box on Thursday nights I might just work up a menu plan on thursday night.
    I don't plan b-fast or lunches. Breakfasts are eggs, cereal, oatmeal, pancakes, french toast etc., lunches the girls get at school and mine are left overs (same for the girls on the weekends). DH doesn't eat lunch, usually just breakfast and dinner.

  2. I wish I was eating at your house ! Drooling over here....

  3. Wow the BBQ chicken looks amazing! The one appliance I haven't convinced DH to buy me yet is a slow cooker.


  4. The menu sounds really yummy! Thanks for sharing!

  5. Have you tried boiled Japanese sweet potatoes. They taste really good just plain boiled. I eat them all the time. In my home, we eat brown rice, zero potatoes and very little cheese. Mostly stir fried vegetables, seafood or grilled chicken. I think that's how my kids are so thin!!

  6. Great menus, love your blog header!

  7. When I finish cleaning out our freezer and deep freezer, both of which are packed, I will make these plans weekly.



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