
Sharing LOTS of pictures today.. I tried to pick just two or three... so not happening.

Today was busy. I didn't feel like blogging, but my headache finally went away (at 10:55PM), so I figured what the heck.

I got a text message late last night asking if we could babysit an 18 month old that we babysat once (on New Year's Eve, a friend of a friend referred her to us). We said sure, of course. :) We love babysitting! Plus, this little girl is so funny and cute! We picked her up at 10:30 at the mall, then we took her and Sapphire to the play place. They played for about a half an hour before a bunch of brats showed up and started jumping off things, running like crazy, and just being bad. We decided to leave at that point. On our way out, we stopped at the Children's Place and got some shirts for Sapphire. It's the first time I've ever bought anything there. The shirts were $5, so not too bad and they are super cute. We then stopped at Target to get a rolling garment rack for the tutu party next week. It was only $9.99. Score!

On our way out of Target, I saw a wii Fit Plus on the shelf. WHAT?! They have been sold out of them off and on for 7 months. Last time I asked an employee what my chances were of getting one, he said slim to none. They get FOUR in a month and they always fly off the shelf. Apparently the truck came in this MORNING and we got there right after they got put on the shelf. We honestly didn't have the extra cash to spend, but it was something Rachel really wanted so I stuck it in the cart. We got a leotard and a shirt for Sapphire - they were $1.79 each on clearance.

Got home, ate lunch, and put Sapphire down for a nap. I laid down with Delilah and she screamed. So I sang to her. And she screamed some more. Finally, I just gave up wasting my breath and turned the fan on high. We both fell asleep immediately. I woke up to drool all over my cleavage... nice.

Brought Delilah back to her mom and then we went to the park. Jenelle had a movie night at school so we had time to kill until 5 when it was time to pick her up. We put Sapphire in a tutu at the park and people were just ooohing and ahhhing like crazy! Rach was ready with business cards, of course!

The tutu swallowed her when she was in the swing LOL one lady was like "Oh man you HAVE to put that one on your website!".

Please, God.. make them stop taking pictures. They keep saying "just one more"...

Then we picked Jenelle up, and came home to make tutus. We decided to do a last minute photo shoot tomorrow, so we have 6 tutus to make tonight. Two down, four to go. That is what I'm off to do now!


  1. So pretty! Just followed! Thanks!

  2. Love the (sub)Lime tutu. That is what I want with Auqua. And the flower headband is just the right finishing touch.

  3. So cute!! I love the headband too. We got our daughter a tutu at Target on super clearance too and she loves it. Kids are so much fun :)

  4. Sapphire is sooo cute! It's so lovely when they want to model for you.

  5. Those pictures are adorable. I wouldn't have been able to pick just two or three either.

    Also, we have a Fit Plus. It is wonderful. If you get a chance to snag one I would highly recommend it.


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