Touring Tuesdays

I didn't realize it was Tuesday until about 9PM, sorry! So, here it is.. Touring Tuesdays: Girls' Bedroom Edition! We just cleaned their room earlier.. downsized A LOT..

List of things we got rid of:

5 trash bags full of clothes (donated)
2 trash bags full of toys (donated)
1 trash bag full of books (donated)
1 trash bag full of.. trash (trashed lol)

Them going through the clothes

Whew! So, I figured their room should be next before they destroy it. Actually, they each only have about 15 pieces of clothing (with the exception of Jenelle, I let her keep more because she goes to school), plus a drawer full of socks and underwear between the three. And we only kept one bucket of toys and books. There are probably 5 stuffed animals, 3 baby dolls, 15 books, and a few educational toys.. that's it!

I just got rid of about 50 outfits myself, so I figured there's really no reason for them to have that many either. Just more laundry, which means more water and electric used. Ick.

View of most of the room

Their room is really big. Our apartment is only 800 square feet but the bedrooms are both good sizes. Also, we gave them the big bedroom and took the small one. The reason there are only 2 beds? We got rid of Jenelle's tonight because she always sleeps on the couch or floor. She hates the bed. So we figured it'd be fine to get rid of it - Grace has a full size bed she can share if by some miracle Jenelle wanted to sleep in a bed one night. :)

The chalkboard table that took FIVE flippin' coats to paint.. lol. Their favorite thing to do all day, though, is to draw pictures.. erase them.. and draw more..

Corner of the room by Gracelynn's bed.. their fish (2 betas, Katie and Doctor) and frogs (I can't for the life of me remember their names and Jenelle is not awake right now). The mosaic monkey Jenelle made at an art camp I took her to a few summers ago..

Grace's bed, with a fold out poster with facts about the 50 states. The poster above her bed and the "S" are from when Sapphire's bed was there. They each have their own wall that they can design however they want (with the exception of paint). Guess we will rearrange it all if they mention it... :)

Look familiar? Same sign that is in the living room..

One side of their closet, Jenelle's clothes will be on the white hangers - the other hangers are for when I deliver tutus.. I give them a hanger to keep it from getting crushed during transit.

Other side of their closet.. all the clothes on top on this side are Saff's, folded neatly and up high so she can't get into them. The big blue bucket is their toys and books. The top drawer of the dresser has socks and undies. The other two drawers will hold homeschooling stuff.

Hope you enjoyed! Can't wait to see yours.. leave a link! :)

EDIT: Yes, that's a blanket hanging up over their window.. curtains didn't keep the cold out so we hung a fuzzy/heavy blanket up and it's helped a lot. We can't put plastic over them because sometimes it gets really warm and we have to open them.


  1. Blankets over the window are great idea. They are thicker than curtains so keep more light out and have the added benefit of keeping more cold out as well.

  2. I have to do some spring cleaning myself - you've inspired me!


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