
Friday is Jenelle's last day of school, so I have all week to get a homeschooling schedule together for her. I was considering the possibility of HSing her next year, but have decided against it for many reasons.

1. Jenelle wants to "protect" Gracelynn while she is at school. In reality, they probably won't see each other except for on the bus, but it will make them both feel more secure.

2. We want to move to California within the next 1.5 - 2 years. If that's the case, Sapphire will go to school when she is 5 not when she is almost 6, like here in Missouri. If I HS Jenelle, and then send Sapphire and Grace, I will have a kid at home still and then can't go back to school and/or work, which is a goal of mine.

3. Rachel is very against homeschooling, she didn't like it when we did it last year, and though she has "agreed" to join me with HSing, she isn't too happy about it.

4. I will have more free time to work, go to school, and/or work on the business(es) if the kids are in school. I can still supplement after school or on the weekends, or in the summer like we are doing now.

Gracelynn has been teaching Sapphire a lot. During the time they are supposed to be playing in their room, Gracelynn is "quizzing" Sapphire almost constantly. She asks her about body parts, colors, numbers, shapes, etc. It's absolutely adorable! :) Also, they LOVE puzzles and are awesome at them. So they have been doing a lot of those this past week. They're still learning, just not in the traditional way like we usually do.

On a side note, I wanted to share some good news with my readers/friends. Now it's not a for SURE thing so I'm trying not to get too excited, but it's already too late for that! :) I started talking to a woman from California. Her name is Erin, she's single, and looking for a surrogate. I was *NOT* planning on doing another surrogacy for a single IP, but I truly think she's "the one". I'm beyond excited.. like, I really can't contain it! I have talked to Rachel about it, and she understands I might have to fly to CA once (or twice, including the birth) by myself... hopefully, though, we can find a sitter for the girls so she can come with me. I am, of course, getting ahead of myself.. we aren't even "matched" for sure, but I really think Erin and I are on the same page. It's weird how strong of a connection you can feel through emails, ya know? It's just crazy.

She is going to look into insurance this week, and then we will be working on a contract and lawyers and stuff. So please keep us in your thoughts, prayers, or whatever else you do (I know some dance naked in the forest.. go for it!:) ), because I really want this to work out if it's meant to be. Thanks. :)

1 comment:

  1. That's so exciting! I hope that it's the match for you and how wonderful of you to give another woman the chance to have a child.


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