Big Changes

So I will probably be all over the place on this post, as I'm a bit upset, but I'm hoping to make some sort of sense. :) I have not had much feedback on recent posts so I'm not sure if I should continue blogging. I like blogging, but sometimes it's discouraging when you leave comments for others and don't get them back.. and I have not been able to return comments as much as I should. I've also seen a lot of good blogs turn into giveaway blogs. While I love winning things, I feel disconnected from those blogs.. it's just weird for me. No idea which direction this blog will be going in. I don't want to give it up.

I just got an email from Erin, the woman I thought I was going to be a surrogate for. After lowering my comp, and playing the waiting game for/with her, she emailed me and said she can't proceed with the surrogacy. After Rachel getting upset and not wanting me to be a surro, after talking Rach into it and getting her on board, after everything... she can't do it. I realize there's a plan and reason for everything, but this pretty much ruins my chances of ever being a surro again, because Rach is going to freak out when I tell her that yet another IP backed out. :/ Heartbreaking, in so many ways.

On a lighter note, I finished my first 5k this weekend. My mom and I did it together, it was a "Sweat for the Vets". This coming weekend we are doing the Breast Cancer Walk in St. Louis. There are supposed to be over 60,000 participants! Rach and I are doing this one together. It will be ... interesting. :)

I lost 5.3lbs last week. I'm hoping I can lose a few more this week. Now that the surrogacy isn't going to happen, maybe I should just focus on getting my body back. I just really wanted to be a surrogate again. :( So I don't know what to do next... *sigh*


  1. I agree these give away blogs are everywhere now!! I haven't been reading much I won't lie...but not because I don't like what your saying. I just havent been doing a great job following the blog world. Don't give up your blog I do love to read it and I think I am finally back!!

    That is disappointing about the drop out surrogate thing. I am sorry...hopefully you will figure out what your supposed to it try for another opp to surrogate or not?!

    Sounds like you are doing great on the weight loss! Last I read you were working hard at the wii fit.


  2. There's a lot of blogs I follow that have turned into giveaway blogs. I don't mind them occasionally but not every post!

    I'm sorry about the surrogacy falling through, but on a happy note - congrats on the 5K and the weight loss!

  3. Congrats on the weight loss and doing the 5K! Great cause too!

    Keep up the blog, if not only for your sanity. I have a lot of followers, but not a ton of people that comment. I write mainly as an outlet for know, to keep me sane!

    Anyway, sorry about the surragacy not working out. I'm a firm believer that everything happens for a reason. Good luck to you andI hope I get to read more from you. BTW-so with you on the giveaway thing. I was approached by a company and I decided I didn't want to participate. Besides, I've got enough "stuff" in this house taking up space, who needs more?

  4. I have been reading, I have just been so busy I haven't been able to comment or keep up my own blog. Congrats on losing the 5 lbs! Surrogacy is a noble thing, and sometimes people just back out. It might be your last shot or it might be your chance to focus on you and yours (and getting your body back) and then who knows what time will bring.
    I am not a fan of the giveaway blogs. I don't mind hey this company sent me a sample and I like it so I want to share, or I got this book form blogx and now that I am done I am giving it away. But constant giveaways and reviews I haven't the time for that.
    Don't give up.

  5. Don't give up writing! I love to read your blog. Even w/ my comp. Broken I try and check to see if you write.
    Sorry about the IP backing out that's hard, and I'm happy to see you are not still at odds w/ your mom.
    Wow a 5k congrats I don't think I could do it, at least right now, but maybe some day.
    Sorry my blog has turned into the dreaded review blog. I don't want that to be the case. I just haven't found the right ballance for it yet. I may just start a full review one and keep FT what it started out to be. - me blogging about life.


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