The countdown begins

I should be posting this on my business blog, but I've been slacking on it lately so I am just going to post here today. I have a lot of work to do. :)

Countdown to my BIG SHOW: 5 days. Only 5 days left to get a TON of stuff done. This show was $250 to get into. I've never paid more than $40. I was told to expect to make $1,000-$4,000. I'm still waiting on word from the credit card processing place to see if I was approved to accept plastic. If not, the sales will probably be on the lower end of $1,000 unfortunately. It's the tax-free back to school weekend. People come out of the woodwork for this! And it's at the mall. There are only like 12 vendors set up throughout the mall, so it isn't over-saturated or anything. I'm going to be setting up by the movie theater. I hope that's a good thing. :)

My newest craft is the woven headband. I hope to get at least 10 of them done today. I made this one last night.

If you have any tips for me, please feel free to leave them in the comments! I need all the help I can get. :)


  1. In the past, I've always had really good luck with a free gift with purchase. (Usually something small, like a hair clip) I always made sure to add a business card and coupon to my Etsy site to bring people back (and they came back!) The coupon I printed off on vista print in a postcard free (but I am not sure they'll ship it to you on time, so maybe get that wife of yours to make some up with your website and a percentage off with a coupon code. If they don't use it, generally they will give it to someone they know. Try and make it cute and artsy so they keep it!

    You can also get one of those stand up paper holders at staples for like 2 bucks. Print something out that clearly says that you'll do custom orders. Have samples of tulle and ribbon choices. A lot of people like doing custom and you can make a sale right then and there (and then ship it to them later)

    what else?
    smile alot. which sounds stupid, but the more approachable you look, the more sales you'll get. We have a huge festival here and one of my friends works a booth with her grandma, her grandma isn't exactly super friendly, and whenever he grandma leaves the booth sales go up like 25-50%.

    Also, it's a good idea to have someone on hand in case something is a really good seller to run out and grab supplies for the next day. (Say the headband you just made FLEW and is sold out, have someone who can go get the materials to make more ready to run to the store)

    I think that's about all the tips I've got. Try not to stress to much and best of luck!!!

  2. Make sure everything has a business card when it leaves your table. I love the new headbands. Have fun!

  3. I love this headband! it is so cute!!! I hope your show goes REALLY well! That sounds like a great opportunity!


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