Honest Reviews

Do you think posting honest reviews is a bad idea? I have bought many things lately and have some reviews I want to post but some of the products weren't so great. So I don't want to upset/offend anyone..... but I don't want to LIE and say their product was great, either.

So, what do you think? If I purchase the product and want to post a review, is it okay to be honest all the time? Or only when it's a 100% positive review?

Let me know what you think!!


  1. I personally prefer the honest review. I don't want to buy a product that doesn't get good reviews only to be disappointed or misled by super reviews only.

  2. I would rather see an honest review then one that is "doctored". Be honest, if it's great say so if it's not say so too - companies need honest feedback and those seeking to find out what's the best product want that too or else they will get disappointed when the review wasn't accurate.

  3. Personally, I post honest reviews. If I bought it myself, I will post an entirely negative review. If it was sponsored, I will offer to send it back and skip the review.

    I will at a minimum state what the problem was, and how it was resolved by the company (that speaks volumes about a brand.)

    If it's something that just isn't my "thing" I will review is objectively and just slide my opinion in. It's happened many times that I've reviewed a product that wasn't my favorite just because of preferences, but someone else loved those particular features, and was grateful for my opinion!

  4. I would be honest. People can't create a better product if they're not given feedback, so it's actually a positive thing!

  5. As a reviewer I always as the company what they would like done. If its a tottaly negative review I wont post it but I will contact the company and tell them what I thought of their product.

    There was one for a Soda brand (Zevia) I had many people try all the flavors they sent and not one person liked it. It was the nastiest thing I've ever tasted. I didnt want to post such a mean review so I wrote to the company and declinded the giveaway. Why would I pass along to my readers what I dont stand by.


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