Grand Opening!

***Do not forget to get your Sunday paper today! LOTS of coupons. I think they are trying to make up for us not getting any last week. :) There are lots of razor coupons and a few stores have them on sale as well so stock up, stack those coupons, and save that money!***

Today is my Mary Kay Grand Opening, so I won't be online much! Just wanted to let you all know about it so you could stop by and register on my website. NO purchase necessary, just register and you'll get an email or two a month about sales/deals I'm offering. Just for registering, you're entered into a drawing to win a prize. :) You can also "LIKE" my page on Facebook.

Since becoming a Mary Kay rep, I have changed quite a bit. I went from an acne-covered-non-makeup-wearing-blah-haircut-sporting-momma... to something... well, completely different. :) My face is cleared up, I know how to take care of my skin and apply makeup, and I actually got a cute haircut. I wore a dress today for the first time in years, along with some wedges (even though I'm 6'2"). I feel great. If nothing else, I've gained confidence... and that is priceless.

Now I'm just rambling, but really I'm so happy about the positive changes in my life lately sometimes I can't stop talking about them. :) They're well deserved... I've been waiting for something "good" for a while. Thank you for supporting me along the way, I truly appreciate it. Now, for the "reveal"...

My face (one of my first NON edited pictures in.. forever):

My hair (excuse the tired face, it was early!):

My outfit (I've lost 25lbs):

I was using the Velocity cleanser & moisturizer at first but now that my face has cleared up I've started using the Timewise oily-combination cleanser and the normal-dry moisturizer. My skin looks and feels absolutely amazing. What I'm really looking forward to trying is the microdermabrasion set.

What is your favorite Mary Kay product?


  1. I just found you on the Weekend Blog HOP and I’m so glad that I did. I’m your newest follower! Also I wanted to say, Welcome to Mary Kay!!! I am still fairly new as an Independent Beauty Consultant for MK, but I have loved every minute! I think my all-time favorite Mk product is the Indulge Soothing Eye Gel...after pulling all nighters for work my eyes are super puffy. While I want to get paid for pulling all nighters, I certainly don’t want to look like it :-p So I keep mine in the fridge and apply it right after my acne gel but before moisturizer; it feels so good chilled. It works miracles on my eyes! Wishing you the best with your Grand Opening!!!

  2. Congrats on the makeover. I just recently did one of these after losing 15 lbs. It is amazing how much better you feel after the little things. ! I am returning the follow thanks for stopping by. Can't wait to read more.

  3. Love the top! Hi! New follower from blog hop. Following you back from conFRUGAL.

  4. Thanks for stopping by Yours Faithfully via the Alexa blog hop - Much appreciated.

  5. You look GREAT!! So glad you are happy <3

  6. Congratulations! You are beautiful. What did you use to clear up your acne?

    Btw, I'm following from Pink Dandy and hope you'll come join my Spring Blog Hop, too!

  7. @aquariann, I used velocity for a few weeks and it went away almost completely, so now I just use oily-combination cleanser and normal-dry lotion. My shop is at if you're interested in purchasing any of these products and there is a 100% guarantee so if the velocity is not for you, you can get it replaced with something else at no charge. :)

  8. Congrats to you! I'm major impressed that you lost 25 lbs! I just started using Timewise & really like it.

    henry  happened


It is always great to hear from you!!