Menu for the week of 5/16

I started a new job yesterday, so things are still hectic around here, but I'm hoping to get back on track soon. :) It's a little late, but here's our menu for the week.

Breakfasts this week consist of waffles (home made but frozen so they can just reheat), cereal (got it for $1.25 a box!), or yogurt.

Lunches will be sandwiches (hot and cold), cheese roll-ups (my guilty pleasure), and soups.


spaghetti casserole w/fruit on the side

chicken pot pie

breakfast for dinner (eggs, bacon, biscuits & gravy)

taco salad

shrimp stir-fry (without shrimp for Saff, she hates shrimp)

What does your menu look like this week?


  1. My meal this week/month is whatever I can throw together from what I have in the freezer...Tonight I know I am going to make bacon wrapped chicken thighs w/steamed broccoli.

  2. Yum Taco Salad! My menu is not yet complete! Thanks for the nice comment over on my blog you are a very sweet person! I love the layout... its my fav so far. I used to use it LOL


It is always great to hear from you!!