Copy Cat Red Velvet Hostess (Filled) Cupcakes

I have to warn you ahead of time that I did this on a whim at 10:30 at night and the picture quality is not that great. However, the cupcakes are divine! You have to try this. It's super easy, and will impress your family. Promise.

You will just need a skewer, a box cake mix,  a ziploc bag, and some icing.

Prepare cake mix as directed on package. Preheat oven to 350*F. Grease cupcake/muffin pan. Fill each half full with the cake mix. Bake as directed on package (20 minutes for mine). Let cupcakes cool for about 10 minutes.

Put your icing in a ziploc baggie and cut a very small hole in the bottom corner. (This part can get a little messy.) Use a skewer to poke a hole in the top of each cupcake. Fill the middle with icing, then ice the top of the cupcake as you normally would. You can use a little filling (like I did) or a lot, like the Hostess folks do.

 The possibilities here are endless!! I'm thinking peanut butter filled double chocolate cupcakes next... what about you?


  1. WOW! This looks super yummy! I might have to try these. I'll bet they would be great with German Chocolate cake.

  2. OMGOSH these look criminal! I will be stopping by the store on the way home from work today all because of you! Gee thanks for adding yet another thing for me to do today...J/K.

    Now the only decision I have is what kind to make cause altho red velvet it my fav that choco one is sounding pretty darn good.

  3. I love your idea to make the Hostess cupcake in a red velvet version. I think I like yours even better than the original. I have a sweet treat linky party going on at my blog and I'd love it if you'd come by and link your cupcakes up.


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