Today was great!

I accidentally set the giveaway to end early apparently, but I can't choose a winner until tomorrow so please be patient with me. :)

I went to PRIDE St. Louis today and had a blast!! Had a photography class yesterday and it was amazing. I have so much I want to post about, but I don't want to overwhelm you guys!

So, coming up soon there will be a post about PRIDE.. a post about my photography class (along with some awesome tips and pictures).. a post about my new makeup venture.. and a series of posts on how to monetize your blog! I'm so excited.

Just as a sneak peek, I will share a few pictures. I hope you enjoy them! Also I was thinking about doing a few (key word: few) reviews and giveaways. What do you think? I promise I won't turn into a review blog (I know a lot of my friends despise them), but I have had some folks contact me that want me to review their products so I figure why not.. it's randomosity, I can throw whatever in here, right? Right! So tell me what you think.

This is a picture I took during my photography class. It was so fun!

And this is a picture I took at Pride!

More to come, I promise! Thank you for visiting my blog, I truly appreciate it!


  1. Just thought I'd let you know that every time I try to view your blog the whole screen is mostly blue and your blog is all the way to the side maybe taking up a couple of inches. :/

    Glad you had a good time!

  2. Manda which browser are you using? I had a Firefox user say the same thing yesterday. :( I'm going to see how I can fix it. Thank you!


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