Making $$ blogging: Affiliates

I already made a post on how to make money with your blog, but I'm still receiving quite a few questions so I'm going to break it down into steps.

If you do not have a blog, you have to start on the other post. :) Also if you check out this page, you'll see all of my blogging tips.

If you do have a blog, but it's not active, sit down for an hour this evening and write 5-10 posts. Schedule them to post every other day for the next week or so. After the week is up, apply at the affiliates below.

If your blog is active, you're ready to start here. This is a message I send people that ask me about blogging for money.

The main way I make money is through EN. They offer $3.50 per referral (if you have 100 followers and get even half of them referred, that's a decent chunk of change), and they also pay really well on ads that you place on your website. The thing I love about EN is that they let you choose the ads, unlike some affiliate places. The link to sign up (it's free) is​/signup/2828 .  If you have a fairly active blog, you'll be approved. It's harder to get approved for LM but I've earned about $50 from them this month so it's worth a shot to try them as well if you're wanting to make $$ blogging. The link to sign up with LM is (free):

I don't blog just to make money. I blog because I love it. If you start your blog for the right reasons, it will grow. I spend a lot of time on my blog, so I figured I might as well make a little money with it as well, right? 

If you have any questions, leave them in the suggestion box at the top of this page. I will respond as quickly as possible. 

While you're here, be sure to check out some of my other posts! 

The next Making $$ Blogging post will be on how to boost your Alexa rank!


  1. You are forcing me to blog aren't you? lol J/K. I have been trying to get started and I have 2 blogs but not sure where to go with them. I guess I need to get my but in gear on this.

  2. It's kind of hard not to when you're decent at writing! :) If you check out my "tutorials" section it breaks down starting a blog, making a header, making a button, and all that good stuff. If you have any specific questions just ask and I'll try to help. I'm kind of new at this too but the help for new bloggers out there is limited so here I am to spread the good news. lol :)

  3. Thanks Sadie!,
    I tried to do the escalate one, but I got rejected, I think I need to wait until I have more posts and maybe more followers. I missed the blog follow scroll on toot your own horn last night, cause I had to get to bed. :/ But I am going to stay up for the next one. Thanks again for all your help!

  4. Ashley, I hope to be able to do a blog follow at least once a week for TYOH! :) I'd definitely reapply when you get more followers, and if they reject you just email them and ask what you need to do to be accepted. I have had to do that with affiliates a few times. :)

  5. Sadie, you're right about following up with what you need. It took me about a year to get my blog up and running and now I'm recycling through the rejections or disqualifications and I'm really eligible for a lot now.

    Thanks for these. I am looking forward to your next update!

  6. Hi! Just stopping by. Following you from the Catch a Wave Wednesday. Would love a visit and follow back on my blog: Thanks!

  7. Every time I click on the LM link, it sends me to cafemom...could you check the link for me? Thanks! :)

  8. Sorry, try now. :) I was sending it out on CM earlier. That might be why that happened.

  9. sadie stopping by from the alexa drop hop..i love reading your posts in blog bash too LOL


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