Summertime Fun!

I don't know if I have mentioned it yet, but my younger two girls are in Arkansas with their Grammie for a few weeks, so Jenelle and I have been getting to spend a lot of one-on-one time together. We went to Six Flags last week (so fun!), have been lounging around the house being super duper lazy this week, and then today we went to Grant's Farm with my friend Sam and her kids. (Sam does Beauti Control so check it out! << Shameless plug for my friend.)

Anyway, I wanted to share some pictures. I love that a lot of you do the Wordless Wednesday thing, but if you know me at all you know I can't do a wordless anything! And sharing a picture without words, well, it's nearly impossible for me. I do share a picture every Friday but for some reason the little intro that is allowed makes me feel not so closed in. I guess I'm just not a good rule-follower.

These pictures were taken with my camera on my phone, so they're not the greatest quality, but the camels and goats were so cute I just had to share!

We will start the tour with the photos of this historic building. Anyone know what it is?

Were you right? It's the historic home of Ulysses S. Grant!

We took a tram ride up the hill, and we saw a few cutesies along the way.

^^ Deer in the lake.

^^ Donkey wanted to hop on the tram!

And this weird looking goose followed alongside the tram for a bit.

This big guy was blocking our path on the bridge, but he kindly moved.

When we got to the top of the hill, we saw the carousel right away. This is Jenelle pretending to have fun, I think... is 9 too old for a carousel ride? :/


Then we got to feed the goats! She was kinda leery at first, but quickly warmed up when one of the smaller goats followed her around. One of the little guys chewed on my toe! Gross! And another kept chewing on my pants.

The brown one is the one that really liked her. Even when he wasn't hungry anymore, he kept rubbing up against her leg. It was adorable.

Here he is up close...

After petting and feeding the goats, we got a snow cone - the perfect thing on a 90 degree day. Then, we fed the camels. This camel was so funny! He had personality.

So, that was our day. What was yours like?


  1. Looks like so much fun! Thanks for stopping by my blog! I am now a GFC follower! Have a great weekend!

  2. Cool pictures. I live about 10 miles northeast from Grant's Birthplace of Point Pleasant, Ohio.

  3. This looks like so much fun. I love history and my girls LOVE animals.

    I'm a new follower from the Time 4 Mommy Hop



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