Inchies attempt #1

Swap-bot has introduced me to so many things... swapping, zentangles, inchies.. oh my! Today, I attempted inchies. First, I googled inchies. Then, I gathered the materials suggested, and started on my way.

For this project, you will need magazines and/or catalogs, old books, card stock or index cards, glue, scissors, black ink (optional), a pen (for writing on the back), and patience (for working with these little boogers).

I didn't take pictures of the "process" of making them, because I wasn't sure how they would turn out. Plus, my 3 and 4 year old were sitting at the table making their own "inchies" so I was a bit distracted.

Cut out 1" squares (I used a punch, $6 at Hobby Lobby with my 40% off coupon) of index cards or card stock. I would punch at least 10 or 12 out, just in case you mess up. If you don't mess up, you'll have extras for next time (trust me, there will be a next time).

Thumb through your magazines or catalogs... find pictures that interest you. I chose people, animals, etc. I cut them out with my punch and then cut closer with scissors.

Find a background that matches the picture you will be using. Punch it out (cardstock) and glue it on to the index card you started with. Then, glue on the picture of the person, animal, etc.

Look in your old books and find words that will go with the picture or "theme". Cut them out, glue them on, and you're almost done.

An optional step that makes the inchies look MUCH better is dipping the edges in black ink. Gives it kind of a "vintage" look. I just rolled the edges on my stamp pad.

Don't forget to write your info on the back. Some suggest name, address, email, blog, and whatnot. I just put my swap-bot username for now and the date. If you're doing a series, you could number them or name them on the back as well.

Finished product (excuse the messy scan, it's my first one ever lol)......

I hope that helps anyone who is interested in starting with inchies. Don't be intimidated like I was. Just do it, and if you mess it up just start over.. throw it away.. or act like you meant for it to be that way. :) Most importantly, have fun!

**P.S. A note to the swap-bot followers of my blog... if you are in a swap and have to follow my blog, don't just leave me a general comment. I will give you a 5 but you will not get a heart. Actually READ my post and comment on it. I'm not that boring, I promise.**


  1. Wow! Your inchies are quite cute! Great job I've been wondering if I can actually do them, and the process seems simple enough. Thanks for sharing!

  2. hi there! I'm timaro from swap-bot, and I love the idea of inchies! I am new to swap bot too, so haven't run across them yet, but I"m excited to jump in!

  3. Hi this is katyboo from swap-bot. I'm impressed... you try something new!! I'm currently sticking to the easier swaps, deadlines are a problem for me!!

  4. This is an amazing looking blog! Following from Swap-bot
    Take care

  5. Wow, thanks for the sharing. I never do inches, but seems like interesting project.
    papacancan from ♥I want BLOGGER followers♥

  6. Love your sense of humor, writing style and most of all the clever crafts you share... I'm new to tangling and am just getting ready to trade inchies for the first time ever as well... isn't it wayyyyy too much fun???? I look forward to following you!... oops... almost forgot to tell you lindy (collagecafe04) from the blogger follower swap on swap-bot!

  7. Will you post pics of your babies' inchies too??? :) I'm sure they are just as artistic and fun to look at!!

  8. Good idea, Dee. Most of them got lost in the shuffle when they were picking up but I will post the ones left later today. :)

  9. You´re not boring at all :D
    I admire your patience making inchies, I tried it once and that was enough for me, ATC´s are a more preferred size :)


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