100 goals for 2010

So, I finally gave in and made a goals list. I was going to do 50, but I just kept going and going and got to 100!! Most of these are craft projects, but a few are other things.

1. organize all 3 craft totes (3/3) -- Completed June 2010. Got rid of one tote, downsized to two organized totes.
2. make Gracelynn's birthday scrapbook (by March 7th) -- Failed. Hopefully by the end of the year I will get this done.
3. domino alterations of some sort -- earrings? necklace? -- Haven't had time, not really interested in doing these anymore....
4. complete 100 swaps (104/100) -- Completed 100 swaps and then quit swap-bot to focus on other things
5. eye spy bags for the girls (3/3) -- I made Eye Spy Bottles - they LOVE them
6. collect 50 cancelled stamps -- Actually have about 100! Pics will be posted eventually. If anyone likes cancelled stamps let me know and I'll mail some to you!
7. knit a bag or purse -- A friend knitted one for me, so I got out of this one LOL
8. chalkboard globe -- Made chalkboard table instead, 2-22
9. work with clay -- polymer beads, maybe? -- Still very interested in doing this, just haven't had the time.. focusing on craft shows and the website
10. make my own rubber stamp -- Can't wait to do this! Just trying to figure out what supplies I will need.
11. finish our (mine and Rach's) scrapbook
12. frame some artwork
13. make Sapphire's scrapbook (by August 30th)
14. knit a pair of socks for Rach
15. make spreadsheet for tutus - Completed 2-8-2010
16. add 20 items to etsy shop (Completed -- 30 as of 3-27-2010)
17. make a clock
18. add 10 tutu designs to website (6/10 as of 3-27-2010)
19. organize computer table (Completed 1/24/10)
20. bleach art shirt
21. turn a scrapbook into a journal (Completed 2-4-2010)
22. add more pictures of bows to website (Completed 2-10-2010)
23. make mohawk hats -- without the ear flaps, ick! (1.5/4 as of 2-10-2010)
24. frame some inchies
25. make a family recipe book, out of a scrapbook maybe?
26. knit a lap blanket for my mom
27. knit myself a headband
28. make mail bags and letters for the younger girls (Completed 2/3/10)
29. knit something for charity -- any ideas??
30. curtains for bedroom -- make or buy
31. make skirt or dress for one of the girls
32. visit the zoo at least 5 times (0/5)
33. visit the science center at least 3 times (0/3)
34. visit the arch at least once (0/1)
35. knit stockings for the girls for Christmas (0/3)
36. make a doll or bear for one of the girls
37. knit a ball
38. make heating pad for me and Rach (0/2)
39. make a book safe
40. 52 reasons I love you decks, one for each (0/4)
41. drink at least 3 bottles of water each day (Working on that..)
42. fabric book
43. rice sock
44. lose 40lbs (Down 5 lbs as of 3-29)
45. rainbow cupcakes
46. make reusable grocery bag -- knit? out of a t-shirt? not sure yet
47. library tote bag
48. diaper cake
49. go back to college
50. make chalkboards -Made a chalkboard table instead, pics to follow
51. set up at flea market
52. make pop-up card Completed 2-3-2010
53. remote control holder
54. write 25 articles for eHow -- Please check out my current articles!! (4/25 as of 2-27-2010)
55. clean hall closet
56. weigh in weekly (3/49) - Epic fail!
57. make laundry soap
58. post ad to craigslist for tutus at least once a month (2/12)
59. turn Christmas cards into Christmas tags for next year
60. teach Grace sign language ABCs (in progress..)
61. trick or treat bags (0/3)
62. teach Grace to read 25 sight words (0/25)
63. take more cemetery photos, possibly host cemetery swap??
64. teach Sapphire to write her ABCs (2/26)
65. make rapunzel scarf
66. teach Nell to use a dictionary
67. teach Nell to use a thesaurus
68. make cassette tape wallet -- Anyone want to send me a cassette to use?!
69. make something religious/spiritual - maybe artwork?
70. make ribbon organizer (or buy one?)
71. make wire ring
72. make something with my button stash
73. share reflexology info via a swap (Completed 1/24/10)
74. make a journal and swap it
75. host at least 5 swaps (2/5)
76. complete an art project with Rachel
77. paint an abstract.. something or other
78. make something "zombie"/dark/goth for Rach as a surprise
79. make 10 YouTube videos -- Please check out our videos!! (2/10)
80. paint my fingernails (yes this has to be a goal.. lol)
81. make a zentangle
82. design a new business card (completed 1/20/10)
83. design new address labels - Completed 2-22-2010
84. scan old pictures and post to facebook (completed 1/19/10)
85. make yoga pants from an old t-shirt
86. Read at least 12 books and post a review of each(3/12)
87. Make baby doll blankets for the younger two (completed 1/21/10)
88. make a pillow
89. attempt to make soaps (Completed 1/23/10)
90. attempt to make a candle
91. make MIL's pup a dog toy -- Dog bit Sapphire, and is finding a new home. No toy made!
92. make a no-sew fleece blanket
93. learn how to knit an i-cord? I think that's what it's called?
94. make Rach a dishcloth (completed 1/21/10)
95. make Rach a piece of jewelry
96. Save $200 by using coupons ($54.62/$200)
97. try to stop using shampoo -- Haven't used shampoo in 2 months!
98. Make a treasure map with the kids
99. Pay ALL bills ON TIME -- Awesome so far!
100. make paint chip books for the girls (Completed 1/24/10)

Any more I should add? Let me know!


  1. I'll be posting mine tomorrow hopefully and I probably have a cassette roaming around here somewhere...

  2. What a great list. You are going to be busy. I am excited to see all your completed projects. :)

  3. Doing well so far - barely a month in and already have some things crossed off.

    I'm now following your blog!

    Andytgeezer (swap-bot)

  4. This list is so great! I found lots on your list I want to add to mine now.

  5. Great idea, I haven't done a goal list in years. I'm going to get started :)


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