Creativity keeps me up at night

So, I've been woooooo-saaaahhhing today, and now I'm fine. :) However, Rachel came home early from work so I could get a break (and go to sleep early), and here I am crafting my booty off. *Sigh* Oh well. Tomorrow is another day, right?

I made a list of things I needed/wanted to get done, and I marked quite a few things off my list. Since throwing the schedule out the window, quite honestly, I've been a little stressed. The kids are doing better without one, and nap time has been a breeze, so I'm not about to bring a schedule back at this point but I'm the schedule type. You know, the one who makes a list for her lists?? Yep, that's me. I love having every little detail written out. I hate when things change. I've learned to adapt, but I always just make a new list. So, lately, I've been fretting a bit. I'm learning to chill.. it will just take time.

I need to go to sleep, but first I wanted to share with you a little upcycled project I just completed. Jenelle is always losing her bookmarks, giving them away, etc and is always asking for me to make her more. I used to spend a LOT of time making a bookmark for her, laminating it and whatnot, but now I know better. I was staring at these paint chip cards and was like a-ha! They're the perfect size and shape for bookmarks!!

So, grab some leftover ribbon (1/4 to 3/8 would work best, but you can use bigger), some paint chips, and a hole punch. That's seriously all you need! Optional materials include a corner rounder punch, some glue or mod podge, and some other fancy punches.. but again, totally optional!

Round the corners of the paint chip cards (you can use any size/shape, these are just the ones I had on hand). Punch a hole in the top. String ribbon through (tie a knot any way you'd like, I just tied the ribbon in a loop with a knot on the top).

You can add other punch-outs, and then mod podge over them.. or you can just leave them plain. They're awesome either way.

Another idea.. use your Cricut to write out whatever (a saying, poem, your child's name), and mod podge them on. I know I say this a lot, but the possibilities are endless! I'd love to see what you come up with!

Be sure to head over to our business blog to check out the new mohawk hats we added to our line!


  1. That is SO smart! And I could even draw pictures on them. Thanks!

  2. I was thinking of drawing on them, as well! Forgot to mention that! The thin Sharpies are perfect for these.

  3. That's a great idea! You could fancy them up if you were in the mood or just leave them bright and colorful! Love it! (Oh...and have you thought about making somewhat of a schedule for your own sake and just not sharing it with the kids so they don't actually KNOW they are on a schedule? You would still have to be a little loose about it, but it may be less stressful for you that way. Just an idea.)

  4. I never would have thought of that, but I'm going to grab a few the next time I'm at the store!


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