
I'm worn out. I feel like I'm running in 1,000 different directions and nothing is getting accomplished.

I know that, in reality, I'm accomplishing things. However, I'm not seeing it.

I went to the mall yesterday and saw that we sold 7 things - that's an accomplishment! But does it make me happy? Eh, maybe for a minute or two... then I realize crap, that means I need to make 7 things to replace those that sold.

I don't know. I'm just frustrated, and worn out right now. I have over 100 boxes of Girl Scout cookies that need to be delivered.. kids that want to play.. lunch that needs to be fixed.. flyers to be made.. I have a donation basket that I just finished putting together that needs to go out the door.. inventory to update.. a living room and kitchen to clean.. a big box of stuff that I need to ship to Sweden.. YouTube videos to make (I only have ONE on my new channel)... some bows for a giveaway that still need to be shipped.. mohawk hats need to be added to the website (waiting for pictures.. people are so damn unreliable).. and I have a million designs running around in my head that I just need the time to sort through.

I guess that's what it boils down to. Time. I need more hours in a day.


  1. Or maybe I need to stop volunteering for so much.. trying to help SO many different people.. and spreading myself so thin. Then I wouldn't need more time. *Sigh*

    Sadie, (pity) party of 1.. lol.

  2. I understand. I've been there. Then I stopped doing it. I said no. Now...I think I say no too often, to be honest. I still get super busy from time to time, but at least it's not all the time anymore! I hope you find some time to just enjoy yourself and be you! That's so important!

  3. breathe...one....two...three...breath...enjoy it all....especially your kiddos...they grow up fast.....

  4. sounds like someone needs to take a 'Me day' do nothing but relax and play with those special girls of yours.


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