No more goals, but a tutorial/video!

I've kind of been rethinking my goals for the year. Some of them seem boring, while others seem stupid. I have a few that I want to start on within the next week or so, but I've been super busy gearing up to put our products in the mall in St. Louis!

Please give me 5 stars.. I like stars. Thanks. :)

(This is a small version, if you click on it and go to YouTube it gets a lot bigger.)

As always, let me know if you have any questions! I'll help you the best I can.

EDIT: Actually, this was one of my goals.. more YouTube videos! COOL! :)


  1. Aww, Dont give up on your list! I love following along as you complete them, just remember you have a whole year to do them all. I like your tut. :) LOL you sould make one for the scrub from your last post. I want to try that one.

  2. Very nice blog. I found your blof on cafemom and came to check you out. Now I am a goofle friend of yours. Will you return the favor? Thanks

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