YouTube, and crazy neighbors

Well, these two don't really go together - though I'd love to put my crazy neighbors on YouTube.

I created a new YouTube account for Nellie Bug's. I was just using my daughter's account because we had a random selection of videos, but I've decided to separate them. I'd appreciate it greatly if you'd subscribe, as I have 0 subscribers now that I'm starting fresh. HERE is the new YouTube channel.

Rachel and the girls are painting birdhouses right now. I've been busy making bows. I spent 8+ hours last night working on just bows, and the cards that they go on. They look really good, and I will post pictures soon. The reason I can't post them now is because somehow the battery charger got lost in our apartment. Go figure.

Crazy neighbors.. hmm. Today the woman yelled at my 8 year old telling her she "smelled" and "has yellow teeth". The manager says he can't do anything about it, the police say if we call them and the people deny it that we will both get a "peace disturbance" charge. Sometimes I wonder not only about this town, but about this state. *Sigh*.

Moving on to bigger and better things, our products are going to be featured in the mall starting THIS FRIDAY! :) I am SO excited, but overwhelmed at the same time! It's scary! I have about 30 sets of hairbows, I just need to make tutus now. My mom is working on patchwork scarves and ... I forget what else lol.

I have to make like 10 tutus this week. 3 for a customer and 7 for the shop. Then I have TWO giveaways ending this Friday, plus I did TWO giveaways for hairbows last night. Geez, I'm one busy lady! No wonder my "goals" list hasn't moved.

1 comment:

  1. Wow I would probably have told her, "Are you sure that isn't your breath?" Adults are horrible sometime.



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