Biggest Loser WII Edition: Day One (Profanity)

Warning: There will be profanity in this post LOL

So, we got a wii today. At first, I bought some EA Active game but it didn't come with everything needed to play it, so I took it back to Target and went to Game Stop instead and got a used Biggest Loser game for $27. Sure beats the new price of $50 that I almost paid this morning at Target.

Anyway, Rach went to drop Jenelle off at a birthday party (which I'm still nervous about.. it's her first time at one alone..gasp) and I stayed home to figure out the wii. I popped in the Biggest Loser, with Sapphire at my side, and was like Bring it on!

Input weight (had to run to the bathroom scale): 261. I think that is UP quite a bit from before.. but I don't remember. I choose not to. Oh well, whatever, gotta start somewhere. The avatar I picked was Amy, who weighed 260lbs to start.

Warm Up: 6 minutes I got this...

Light Bulb Challenge: Round 1 I love football steps! They rock!

Round 2, 3, 4 Oh yeah bitches! I'm winning! WHAT?! Oh yeah, oh yeah! 1st place baby!

My neighbor (downstairs) texts me: What are you doing up there????
Me: Biggest Loser. Wii.
Neighbor: Hahaha sounds funny!
Me: Sorry, I know I'm shaking the whole building.. it won't shake as much when I lose weight

Round 5 Is it almost over? Jillian, SHUT UP.. stop telling me to have a "positive attitude". You're animated. My fat ASS is jiggling all over the place! It hurrrtssss, Jillian!

Sapphire (3) sees me sweating and goes, EWWW YOU SWEATY GROSS MOM! Do you want me to get you some water or someping? Lukewarm water in a bug juice bottle never tasted so good.

Round 6 I hate football steps...BUT I WON!!

In my excitement, I accidentally hit "YES" when they asked if I wanted to do a cool down (8 minutes). NO NO NO.. I do not want to do the cool down, Jillian.

I did it anyway. It was a nice stretch. Not bad. I thought I could cheat when she did a leg stretch (because the controller is in my hand) and Jillian says "Are you quitting on me?" Crap. So, I finished the damn cool down.

When I was getting ready to log off the wii, I saw "Skate or Splash". That looks fun, I thought. Yeah, right.. you have to do these side steps slow, then fast, then skate steps slow, then fast.. and it's just confusing, so my fat ass avatar fell into the water.

More tomorrow, if I can move.


  1. This cracks me up. I can totally sympathise except I have used the Wii Fit. It really kills me when they tell me my Wii Fit age and it's double what my age really is. It also doesn't feel too good when they tell you you're overweight. Ugh, I guess that's why we have 'em, to keep us in line. :)

  2. Have you lost any weight with it yet??

    Rachel did some type of fitness test today on the game that came with the system and her age is 47, she's only 30. I'd hate to see mine! LOL

    I'm sore already..

  3. Sounds like fit. We have the Wii Fit (with Balance Board) so it knows exactly what you are doing and tells you when you are slacking (not my favorite). I prefer to just box the Mii's I usually select DH as my oponent. :)

  4. Yes, Jillian can bring out the best in all of us. HA! (As long as best includes calling her any combination of horrible names.) I am doing the 30 Day Shred and she gets an earful every morning. I feel bad for her when she is actually PRESENT to hear people think she is nuts! LOL!


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