
Customer just picked up 10 tutus.. what a relief to get those out of our apartment! LOL

We went to a craft show this morning. Had about 100 booths (maybe not even that many) and had 4 tutu vendors as well as 2 bow vendors. SO glad I didn't set up there. They looked pretty miserable haha. But I did get an idea for a tutu dress thing.. can't wait to try it out. Some of the prices were RIDICULOUS, though. Like one of the ladies sold their tutus for $35. $35?!? Are you nuts? You can't be greedy in the tutu business LOL. I do it because I love making little girls happy! One lady had plain alligator clips with a flower hot glued on.. they were $7.50. I was like wow. My girls wore their tutus and everyone asked about them, asked which booth I got them from, etc. Grace was more than happy to hand out the business cards to them hehe.

Then we went to Target, and I got an impulse, and bought a wii. We have been trying to buy one for months now, but they've been sold out everywhere. I saw them in the display and just couldn't help myself. Luckily, 10 tutus = $200, wii=$200. haha. I'm honestly hoping it will help me get off my butt and lose weight. The gym is not convenient.. though we are still going to try and make it til our contract runs out. If nothing else, it'll provide a little entertainment for the kids while I'm tutu-ing.

I think we might go out to eat tonight instead of fixing dinner. My stomach hurts and I just don't feel like it. I'm going to set a goal for myself and if I get two tutus made by dinner time, we will go out. If I don't, I'll make myself cook. Blah. Better get tutu-ing!

Hope everyone is having a GREAT weekend and I hope your weather is better than ours has been!


  1. I have a Wii, the fitboard and several exercise games and I have yet have played with any of it. I don't know why setting up the Wii is annoying to me when it is so simple.


  2. Rachel set it up for me, I got frustrated after about a minute and a half. I played boxing for a few minutes and got worn out! LOL I just got the Biggest Loser game so we'll see if it works. I should blog about it, just to keep myself accountable, huh?


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