Touring Tuesdays

Wow, am I embarrassed! I just realized, at 2:13PM, that it's Tuesday.

What happens on Tuesdays?

The tour!!


Why else am I embarrassed? Because I've been working on tutus and hats all day, so the living room has been, well, neglected. Thankfully, it was vacuumed earlier (thank you, wifey), so I guess it's not so bad. The entertainment center is a mess.. but here goes nothin'.

So, here's my living room.. totally unscripted!

Our family portrait, from Spring 2009 - first thing you see when you walk in the door

Our front door - usually covered with letter magnets. Thank you, Dana, for helping me discover our door was magneticable, as Grace would say.

Our embarrassingly messy entertainment center -- I would lie and say it's not usually like this, but I'm all about being honest. :) Rach would probably want to strangle me if she knew I put this up! LOL

Sapphire is in charge of keeping the movies organized, and she does a great job!

Our couch, and my craft corner -- it is holding the Cricut, and my wireless printer, and my scrapbooking tote... until the little drawer/shelf thing gets put together (which was purchased this morning, and is in its box in the corner).

Even though I ditched the schedule, we still have reminders and rules throughout the house.

And this is what has been keeping me busy all day..... weeeeee!!

Be sure to stop over at Dana's blog later tonight - she is supposed to have her first edition of Touring Tuesdays up. The cool thing about it? We have the SAME apartment, she lives under me, so it'll be nifty to see the differences in our rooms! :)

Thanks for stopping by and if you're following me, I really appreciate it! If you're not, what are you waiting for? :P


  1. I love your living room! It looks homey and comfy. I just cleared all our old VHS tapes out of my living room so now I actually have a lot of room in there! I was surprised. LOL I'm following you now. Love your blog! Thanks for following mine!

  2. it looks like a home full of love..

  3. looks like a nice home, not just a house...a true HOME.

  4. I looooooooove the new background!!!



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