My personal weigh in

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Depressing as it may be, I promised a weigh in.

257 - 3/1/10

I'm 6'2" tall.

That makes my BMI 33.0

33.0 = obese



  1. you are a tall brave of you to post your weight...I'm rooting for you...

  2. Yes you are tall, if it makes you feel better I am at 207 and I am only 5'8" tall (used to be 5'9 1/2" but alas I appear to be shrinking).
    You can do it.

  3. Wow you are tall! One thing my friend told me is that by saying out loud her weight made it more of a reality that she couldn't hide from. So every other week she'll call and say "I'm such and such". I think saying it out loud makes you own it more then keeping it quiet like a secret. Good luck and you can do it!

    thanks for stopping by, I'm your newest follower!

  4. You are the ballsiest person I know right now to be admitting your weight to the internet....I still lie to the DMV.....Best of luck!!!

  5. I converted your stats to metric and I am stunned. You're a big girl, Sadie! But you can do it. I'm cheering you on.

  6. LOL Erika, my driver's license says 160.. it's from when I was 15 and 5'10" and super thin. ;)


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