Weight Loss Winner #1

Quick link to a blog friend (and new customer!) of mine: Check out Xanna's blog.

I've finally narrowed it down and picked 3 winners. Thank you for ALL of the entries - it was really hard to pick!! I will announce all 3 winners this week, but just one for today!

This heartfelt entry email came from Krystal:

A little about my struggle. I've been obese (I hate that word!) since Jr. high school, 8th grade, I was 14 and gaining weight fast.

I have asthma and couldn't keep up with my peers during recess when I was younger, and that fostered my fear/hate for physical education. By my freshman year of high school I was a size 30! OMG, as if your first year of high school isn't hard enough add in the fact that I was a HUGE fat ass! I had no friends. My mother decided that I should go on a diet. We went to my dr. and after talking with him and having the situation above finally out I was put on Phen-phen. Remember that lovely drug, it was recalled for people dropping dead of heart attacks? I lost 17lbs my first week on it! I was excited until I took a harsh turn to the other side of the weight struggle. By my sophomore year of high school I was thin, but too thin. I had stopped eating and sleeping, and was basically taking speed. I was anorexic, no one wanted to see it. Who wants to tell the previously fat girl 'hey your too skinny'. After that issue was addressed I was at my healthiest for about a year and a half. I want to get back to that. I was a size 16 and loved it! Yes for some a size 16 is huge, but for my frame it looks gorgeous! (can send a pic) I had a healthy glow and was flying high.

I've slowly gained the weight back. I'm not a size 30, but lets just say I'm close. I hope to lose a total of 125lbs, but my current short term goal is 30lbs.
My current weight loss plan consist of WII fit, My weight loss coach (for DS), eating healthier and another prescription diet pill.

I have started on watching what I eat and doing the weight loss coach and have already lost around 3lbs. I did take a weeks worth of the pills but they make my heart race and I couldnt sleep. I may try agian or contact my Dr. about it. Check back to see what I decided.


Krystal, we are here for you!! I'm going to be losing weight right along with you, and we will be checking in each Wednesday for your weigh-in. Once you lose 30lbs, a prize package will be in the mail for you!!

It would be greatly appreciated (by me AND by Krystal) if you'd follow along with her journey. Everyone needs some encouragement -- and to be held accountable. If she starts slipping, we are here to kick her butt back into gear! So leave comments here (this blog) or here (her blog) for her, and she will see them. Good luck, Krystal!

I hope to add a picture next time we catch up with Krystal, and I also will add a button to my side bar for easy reference. Thanks for the support, and please be patient with me over the next few weeks - I have 31 tutus to make!!


  1. will cheer you all on...no where your coming from...

  2. I love your blog. I am following. I like your click every day buttons. Nice!!!


It is always great to hear from you!!