
Rachel has to work tomorrow. :/ Blah. Usually she doesn't work Saturdays but Sunday shift is cancelled this week, and was last week, too.

The girls are really enjoying the homeschooling work I'm giving them. Grace is doing great with her writing. We got her a library card today and she wrote her own name on it. Sapphire is doing better than expected and is GREAT at coloring. She is as good at coloring as BOTH of her sisters. It's kind of creepy. :) Jenelle has been working all week on taking good notes and preparing for the dinosaur report I've assigned her. We got some dino books from the library today as well as some nonfiction movies.

We have lots of cleaning to do tonight. The girls are watching The Incredibles right now but we will be cleaning shortly. I'm going to start typing blogs up and setting them to post ahead of time, so hopefully I will have a post each day. I will also start leaving more comments on other blogs. I've been neglecting that lately.

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