Some goals revisited

1. organize all 3 craft totes (3/3) -- Got rid of one, organized one, and the other one is out of sight out of mind so that counts, right? lol

2. make Gracelynn's birthday scrapbook (by March 7th) - failed miserably. Didn't even start it. Maybe by next birthday? :)

4. complete 100 swaps (36/100 as of 3-29-2010) -- I completed 54 but dropped off swap-bot because of the BS that goes on there.

7. knit a bag or purse -- I don't have time to knit anymore because of the business, but I'm going to keep this on my list.. because eventually I'd like to.

8. chalkboard globe -2/22 Made chalkboard table instead -- threw the table away just this week. It was great but it was squeaky and I didn't know how to fix it. :/

9. work with clay -- polymer beads, maybe? -- can't wait to start this one, I just don't know WHERE to start.. which kind to buy.. where to buy it .. etc

10. make my own rubber stamp -- haven't had time.

11. finish our (mine and Rach's) scrapbook -- nope, maybe by the end of the year though

12. frame some artwork -- this one is vague. Not sure where I will go with it.

13. make Sapphire's scrapbook (by August 30th) -- can still do that if I get a free weekend.

14. knit a pair of socks for Rach -- these are too hard to do, I'm not to that skill level yet.

15. make spreadsheet for tutus - Completed 2-8-2010

16. add 20 items to etsy shop (Completed -- 30 as of 3-27-2010)

17. make a clock -- again, when I get time.. would love to tackle this one. Some time this summer, maybe a homeschooling project.

18. add 10 tutu designs to website (6/10 as of 3-27-2010) -- Added fairy tale sets too!

19. organize computer table (Completed 1/24/10) - Got rid of computer table all together

20. bleach art shirt -- maybe for Rach's birthday. She likes them.

21. turn a scrapbook into a journal (Completed 2-4-2010)

22. add more pictures of bows to website (Completed 2-10-2010)

23. make mohawk hats -- without the ear flaps, ick! (1.5/4 as of 2-10-2010) - Did 2 of these and got bored. Not a goal of mine anymore!

24. frame some inchies -- done, gave them as a gift, didn't take pics. Might do more.

25. make a family recipe book, out of a scrapbook maybe? -- Need ideas still

26. knit a lap blanket for my mom -- not talking to my mom anymore.. might knit one for charity

27. knit myself a headband -- will do that soon

28. make mail bags and letters for the younger girls (Completed 2/3/10)

29. knit something for charity -- any ideas?? -- Still need ideas for something simple!

30. curtains for bedroom -- make or buy -- Will probably buy, no sewing machine.

31. make skirt or dress for one of the girls -- I'm thinking a pillow case dress?

32. visit the zoo at least 5 times (1/5) -- I need to post pics. We went a few weeks ago.

33. visit the science center at least 3 times (1/3) -- Need to add pics, we went a few weeks ago.

34. visit the arch at least once (0/1)

35. knit stockings for the girls for Christmas (0/3) -- might just buy some.. again, no time to knit and this is a level I'm not at yet.

36. make a doll or bear for one of the girls -- looking at Hobby Lobby this week for ideas.

37. knit a ball -- I might still try this one.

38. make heating pad for me and Rach (0/2) -- I bought one from this shop

39. make a book safe -- I still want to do this one! Just need to find the right book.

40. 52 reasons I love you decks, one for each (0/4)

41. drink at least 3 bottles of water each day (Working on that..) -- Doing MUCH better!!

42. fabric book

43. rice sock

44. lose 40lbs (Down 5 lbs as of 3-29) -- I don't remember my starting weight from when I made this goal list but I am steadily losing weight. 4lbs last week 2lbs this week.

45. rainbow cupcakes -- I'm on a low-carb diet.. going to have to make these for someone as a gift.

46. make reusable grocery bag -- knit? out of a t-shirt? not sure yet -- I think I want to make this out of a t-shirt. I need a pattern though..

47. library tote bag -- Not sure .. need patterns.

48. diaper cake -- I don't know anyone that is pregnant but as soon as I find someone, I'm on it! I LOVE making diaper cakes!!

49. go back to college -- Maybe this fall, might have to wait if I have to get a job this fall.

50. make chalkboards -Made a chalkboard table instead

51. set up at flea market -- will definitely do this during the summer!

52. make pop-up card Completed 2-3-2010

53. remote control holder -- we have a section of the ET center perfect for this, no need to do this goal anymore.

54. write 25 articles for eHow -- Please check out my current articles!! (4/25 as of 2-27-2010) -- Got hired by Demand Media.. wrote 3 more articles but they have a limit on how many you can write when you're new so I'm just in limbo now. :)

55. clean hall closet -- done! But it's messy again! lol

56. weigh in weekly - am weighing in on the wii almost daily, just haven't posted about it.

57. make laundry soap -- I need to do this soon!

58. post ad to craigslist for tutus at least once a month (2/12) -- Someone (another tutu maker, I believe) kept flagging my ads, even though they're ALLOWED... so I gave up this month. On CL if you flag something enough, it's taken down even if it doesn't break the rules. :/

59. turn Christmas cards into Christmas tags for next year -- needing ideas for this.

60. teach Grace sign language ABCs (in progress..) -- still in progress. She is learning on right now.


  1. Here is a tutorial for a t-shirt grocery bag:

    I haven't made it myself, but it looks fun and easy!! : )

  2. Diaper cake- My baby sis is preggers! ;) lol
    libary tote - google poochie bag it would be perfect!
    curtians - I have a perfect no sew patter for you.


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