First day of school!

This is going to be a long one! And very random. :) So please be patient lol.

Wednesday was the girls' first day of school. Grace started kindergarten, Jenelle started third grade. Grace was SOOOOOOO excited at first. But when we walked to the bus stop and she saw that there were about 25 other kids waiting for the bus, she freaked. I mean FUH-REAKED out.

Thank God for big sisters...

I have been working hard lately on the business. With two of the girls in school it just leaves one home with me. However, it's been more of a curse than a blessing. :/ She is going to be 4 on August 30th, but is very much the "baby" of the family. When her sisters are not here, she mopes around. She gets into stuff. She is just insane. So I have looked into putting her in daycare or preschool for a few days a week. We will see how that goes.

Here are some of my latest projects:

If you are crafty and would like to make items like these, check out my ETSY SHOP for my tutorials. They are all under $10 and I will always keep it that way! :)

Today was picture day already! I didn't get a picture of Jenelle as she walked out the door :( but I did get a few of Grace the night before as a "practice" run. :) I made the pom pom bows to match every color in her outfit. They were super fun. I think they are my favorite bows to make so far!!

I cut my bangs (for the first time ever) and dyed my hair black. I LOVE it. :)


Okay so I think that about covers everything. :) Oh, and Sapphire is MAD that her sisters are going to school. Especially mad at Grace. She feels like she abandoned her. It's sad, really. She fights with her as SOON as she gets home because of it. :( Well I've taken long enough on this blog, Jenelle needs help cooking dinner and the kids are going bonkers!! LOL Hope everyone is having an easy transition back into school!!

And if you happen to read this today, I'm having a HUGE GAME on my Facebook page at 9PM CST tonight.


  1. Oh my gosh, those first day of school pics couldn't have been any sweeter if you dipped them in a vat of frosting.

  2. love your new cut and color! It really does fit your complexion.


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