First ebook!!

I just finished my very first eBook!! I saw that folks were selling them for $15 and thought wow.. no way! So I made it for $5. :) is where you can find the ebook if you are interested. It teaches you how to make your own professional boutique style tutus. I will be writing another one soon on how to start your own tutu business.

Some ladies have told me I might put myself out of business, but other people are already writing these things so I might as well get in on it while I can! I want everyone to be able to AFFORD these things (tutus, ebooks, supplies, whatever)... and I keep seeing people OVER CHARGE for them. I know how it feels to look at something and be like wow.. wish I could afford that. Well, now you can!! :)

If you have any ideas on what other ebooks I should write, let me know. I already did tutus, will done one on tutu businesses, and maybe on the new woven headbands I make?? Those were a hit at the craft show! All ideas are appreciated. Thanks!

How is everyone's summer??? Kids going back to school soon? MINE ARE!


  1. I am not sure you'd be interested in doing this, but I think Surrogacy would be a great e-book. Not only for those who are interested in the process (wanting to have a surrogate) and those who are interested in your life. It's a personal story to tell, but it's very rare to find candid experiences.

    Also, as I know that you hate to sew, a book full of fun no sew projects would be great too.

  2. Michelle, a book on surrogacy would be a great idea. :) Not sure I'm the best person to ask though if someone wants the PRO-surrogacy information anymore. :/ It's something to think about though. Boy I sure would have loved an ebook when I was first considering it! :)

    No sew projects are SO FUN. That's genius! :) Thank you!


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