How to Make Money Blogging

This is the first post in a series I am doing. I was going to say 5 part series but it might be more, it might be less, so we are just going to call it a series. I have just started to make money with my blog and am super excited about it, so I wanted to pass some information along to others that might like to make money with blogging as well. If you have any questions at all, just leave a comment and I will answer as soon as possible.

Step 1: Create a blog. If you don't know how to do this, check out my video titled How to Make a Blog in 5 Minutes.

Step 2: Make your blog look professional. You can use a template from Blogger, just make sure it's crisp and clean. A customized header is not a must, but I definitely suggest it. Here is a post on how to make a header.

Step 3: Post. A lot! I don't mean ten times a day, but you must post at least every other day or your blog has a very small chance of being successful. Don't have time to post every day? Neither do I. Take an hour each week to write out 5 posts. Schedule them to post every other day (my blog video shows you how to publish posts at a later date).

Step 4: Visit other blogs! This is just as important as posting. If you are not networking, you are not going to be successful. Readers are not going to run to your blog when there are thousands upon thousands of others out there that are probably similar to yours.

Step 5: Sign up for affiliates. This part is sort of complicated, so I will just list my favorite affiliates here and then will talk more about them in the next post. I know many people use AdSense. I personally do not recommend them but you can always try it out and stop if you don't like the results. All of these affiliates are free to sign up for. If you click on the links rather than just visiting their websites through a search engine, I will also earn money or points for you signing up, so thank you for advance if you do this! :)

Swagbucks: Earn points or swag bucks that can be redeemed for gift cards. I've made about $100 from using their search engine and referring others.

Logical Media: One of my favorite affiliates. You place banners/ads on your blog and earn for people clicking on them.

Escalate Network: My favorite right now. You earn $3.50 off each person that signs up, plus they have decent pay outs for their offers.

LinkWorth: This one is so confusing I don't even know where to begin to explain it, but I've seen folks make upwards of $500 a month or more with this affiliate so I definitely recommend giving them a try.

Blogsvertise: Make $10-$20 per sponsored post. Great way to make big bucks with little work.

Tip: Don't make your blog too spammy. Letting folks know that you are blogging as a way to support your family is a great idea, but they don't want to deal with tons of flashy pop-up ads when visiting your page. So try to keep ads either in a post by themselves or on the side(s) of your blog. If you use my blog as an example, there are probably a few too many ads. I hope to have it reworked before the series is over so you can see what a blog should look like.

I will be posting my earnings with each network some time within the next month, so watch out for that post to get an idea of what type of income is realistic from these companies.


  1. Another good argument for starting a blog! I'm gonna have to bite the bullet and just do it one of these days!
    Great beginning; I can't wait toread the rest of the series!

  2. Very interested in reading your series. I have a blog and post regularly...have affiliates but can't figure out how to make it pay! (Would love your input on my blog by the way) Can't wait to read more of your series :)

  3. thanks for posting these!! ive only heard of swagbucks so i'm interested to learn more about the rest...and i've clicked on your links to give you credit as well :)

  4. Thanks for the tips -- I am looking into this at the moment. : )

    I'm a new follower from the Weekend Hoppers blog hop.

    Would love a follow back via the Blogger toolbar up the top of my site (Google Friend Connect's on the blink again!):

    Have a wonderful weekend. : )



  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. How do you know what to blog about? I understand there are those that have couponing knowledge they can share, but what does the average person share?

  7. If you look around my blog, you'll see I just blog about whatever I feel like at the moment. :) Whatever you're passionate about, write it out!


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