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randomosity: Revolve 2010: A book review

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Revolve 2010: A book review

Guy Tips, Girly Quizzes, Real Stories, Txt Tlk... everything you'd expect from a teen magazine, right? What more could you ask for?!

Well, I'm glad you asked, because that is what sets Revolve 2010 (NCV) apart from the other magazines on the market. Revolve 2010 is the complete New Testament, broken down into ways even a teen can understand. Not only will they understand, they won't want to put it down!

On some pages of this Biblezine, you will see cool "txt" Bible verses. Try "d Lord sez, Ill mke u ys & sh0 u whr 2 go, Ill guyd u & woch ovr u'//ps32:8" Ya got that, right? I bet your teen did. :)

The best feature in this zine? The "Truth or Dare" sections. They start out with a Bible verse, and then give the reader straight talk (the truth). Then, they give teens the dare, such as "Welcome someone on the outside into your group today. Eat lunch with a girl who doesn't have many friends, invite a new person to your weekend hangout, or get involved with a club outside of your normal group of friends." What a great example that all teens should follow.

Hollywood stars are also in this 281 page Biblezine! Most teens buy magazines for beauty and makeup tips (check!), embarrassing moments (check!), fitness tips (check!), quizzes (check!), and stars (check!). One star even talks about being a Christian in Hollywood.

I would definitely recommend Revolve 2010 to ANY parent of a teen girl. It will give them a definite reality check when it comes to boys, cliques, and other teen "drama". It will encourage them to stay faithful to God, the One who will never leave nor forsake them. Help them get grounded in their faith now, before they go off to college and don't have you as an every day influence in their lives.

"cre8 n me a pure hart, God, & mke my spirit ryt agn//ps51:10"

I received a copy of Revolve 2010 free for agreeing to post a review. This review is my honest opinion.

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At February 2, 2010 at 11:16 AM , Blogger Deb said...

good for you to find a clean magazine for teens...I can't believe what they print in some of them...glad my kids are grown...

At February 10, 2010 at 12:05 AM , Blogger Erika said...

There is also one for boys called "Refuel" - same sort of deal.


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