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Zoo trip

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randomosity: Zoo trip

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Zoo trip

We were sitting at the stop light and I snapped a few pictures of the Arch. Cool, huh?

Rachel was getting some tattoo work done downtown, so we headed to the zoo for a while. We walked around for about two hours. The kids and I rode the train alllll around the zoo after we were done walking. Sapphire and Jenelle tried cotton candy for the first time ever. They loved it. Sapphire tried rubbing it on her cheeks, like the mermaid does in her favorite movie (Aquamarine). It really was too darn cute. I got a video of the giraffes, as well as a video of us in the tunnel. Sapphire kept laughing hysterically. It was great! The weather was absolutely perfect. It was a little too windy for tutu pics (I tried), but everything else was still okay!

Sapphire was creeped out by the snakes, but Jenelle loved them. Saff just shook her head when I asked if she liked them, and then she hid in her stroller. She seemed to like the birds and giraffes the most. Giraffes are my favorite, so I was pleased. :) Oh, and she was super excited about the monkeys.. but we didn't get any good pictures of those. Jenelle had a blast. I think Sapphire was in a bad mood today. She was really clingy, not wanting to take pictures much (with the exception of the park, she allowed them then lol), and was overall pretty whiny after the zoo visit was over. Usually she is playful, but when we teased her today - which is a common occurrence around here - she just cried. And cried. :(

She played for a little while and I got a few pictures.

When I got home, I found THIS in my mailbox. How I wish I would've had it this morning when we were at the zoo! It's a little too short - I'm fat and tall, plus Sapphire is 3 so she's a little bigger than babies that are usually wrapped in these things - but I sent BabyEtte a message and she said she would replace it.. which I did NOT expect! I absolutely love the wrap and really don't want to send it back, because I don't want to wait another day to use it! :/ But, overall, I guess it's best since I will be using it ALL summer!

When I put Sapphire in the wrap, she was beaming! Even though she had a whiny/rough afternoon, this made her so happy. She didn't want to get out of it. I even did some work on the computer with her in it!

Is it sad that I kept picturing the zebras and giraffes (and any other animal) in tutus?? LOL

Jenelle wanted me to share her blog with you today because she has a few pictures. She got a haircut! Stop by and tell her how cute she is, please. :)

I almost forgot, one of my 100 goals is to visit the zoo 5 times! WOOT! I worked on a goal today and didn't even know it!

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At March 25, 2010 at 3:19 AM , Blogger jane p said...

Sadie, I just saw my Melly on your Etsy. She does look good in your tutu, doesn't she? Hope you get some sales out of her!!

At March 25, 2010 at 8:04 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

Love the pics! We love St. Louis - huge Cards fans :)

At March 25, 2010 at 10:43 AM , Blogger Erika said...

Such cute pics! St. Louis has a fantastic zoo. Last time I was there I went to their giant bug totally geeped me out.

Also I awarded your blog. Stop by and check it out!


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